Best Children’s Books to Keep Your Kids Hooked this Summer

Best Children’s Books to Keep Your Kids Hooked this Summer

As bookcases are relegated to the storage spaces, calendars are being thrown out of the window, and the sun bathing everything in the most beautiful glow, it’s the perfect time to focus on books that match the mood. Easy-going, relaxing, nature-soaked stories are at the top of the reading list for families to relish with kids this time of the year.

The summer months are a wonderful time to adapt to reading for kids instead of running away from it. Are you heading on a beach trip with your kids, then get a fantastic picture book on the ocean or sandcastles and browse through it while at the beach. Have a picnic lunch? Take a book to read to your kids as you enjoy the perfect family time. Also, if you’re enjoying a popsicle break, you’ve got the concept. Bring your children in to enjoy an excellent read-aloud as the icy treats pour down their chins.

There are many wonderful summer books for kids to enjoy the lazy, fun, sun-filled days. These are some of our top children’s books to enjoy this summer.

Adam Has a New Neighbour

Adam’s new neighbor, Aziza, is a fantastic football player. When he sees her in the match, he fathoms whether there is more to her story. Grab a copy to know how Aziza is genuinely gifted and unique.


Blossoming Kindness

Do you sometimes find yourself consumed with negative thoughts about others or even yourself? We’ll tell you that you’re not the only one. You can develop into a kind and more conscious person when you perform regular actions of compassion.

Grandpa Hadid will guide you through the weeklong trip with his four grandkids, Nayyirah, Adam, Milly, and Ty, to nurture tolerance, kindness, compassion, and empathy. Learn the meaning behind using your heart, mind, and hands to create a better world for all in this book.


Expo 2020 Dubai Mascots Activity Book

This vibrant and engaging book infused with activities, games, quizzes, and many other activities is an excellent learning resource for children from 6 to 9 years old. From the book, you’ll get to discover everything Expo 2020 Dubai offers. Also, you will learn about exciting technological developments in the environment, energy, and space travel.

Additionally, you will meet some fantastic characters, including the guardians of the Expo, Opti, Alif, and Terra, and your guides Latifa and Rashid, who will guide you the way around.


I Am a Special Kid

This is an educational story about bullying. A group of children in school bullied Issam, but he was able to surmount this issue with the help of his teacher. All of us must learn that the difference between individuals’ shapes, colors, and size is nothing to be ashamed about but a feature from God that differentiates us all. Now all the students want to be Issam’s friends. What solution did the teacher think of? Discover more by reading this story.

Lennie & the Three Paper Boats

A golden ticket transforms dreams into nightmares as Lennie gets trapped on a stormy island. Will she be able to muster the courage and determination to realize her dreams? To find out, grab a copy here.



Naas – The Brainy Falcon

Naas is an intelligent falcon with a trustworthy companion, Monk, a smart and imaginative monkey that plays an integral part in Naas’s clever rescue strategies. This book will inspire children’s imagination as they ponder bullying, infidelity, greed, and disobedience in a gentle manner.



Glimpse of Jordan

In these pages, our protagonists are lime-plaster statues of Ain Ghazal. They travel from Irbid, the bride of the north, and then to Mafraq city. There, they will meet the desert jewel, Umm Al Jimal. The enchanting sounds of bagpipes draw the Gazelles to journey from Ayyubid Rabad Castle in beautiful Ajloun and on towards the fertile and vast desert of Jerash. The Gazelles reconnect with their family members in Zarqa and then visit Al-Azraq Palace, basking in the lush oasis where birds that migrate thrive, and it is where the Arabian Oryx found its home. They come across an oasis of Zarqa, where their amazing civilization first came to illumination. However, the roads keep calling to them, taking them through Al-Salt’s historical markets and the abstract yellow mosaic houses.

The Friendship of the Peacock and the Wolf

A peacock is in danger by a lion discovers an unlikely hero. When the peacock sets off searching for the wolf that helped save his life, he discovers an unorthodox persona in the body of the fierce animal. This leads to an encounter that will alter life for the two of them. Read this captivating story here.


Sana and the Bees

To prepare for a presentation on bees, Sana visited her father’s farm with a friend to learn the details about them. Sana enjoyed herself a lot at the farm and got a present from her dad’s best friend, and it was bees. Sana went home happy and cared for the bees. However, after a few months, she revisited her dad’s friend. What made Sana visit her dad’s old friend? Learn the details regarding Sana and the Bees.

If you’re a fan of the same #SummerGoals, check out these children’s books to find out which titles kept your child’s interest more than the time it takes for their popsicles to melt.

We hope that you enjoyed reading about our suggested children’s books. If you wish to be a part of Austin Macauley Publishers, then you’re welcome to share your manuscripts here for review. You can also submit online by filling out this Online Submission Form.

Stay connected with Austin Macauley on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter for more updates.

Enjoy reading!

Best Twitter Feeds For Book Lovers To Follow

Best Twitter Feeds for Book Lovers

Twitter has proved itself to be the most popular site for social networking for people who love books. It’s the most popular online book club that connects book lovers across the globe, providing the latest information about when the book you’ve been waiting for all year will finally be available, as well as giving you the possibility to tweet your top authors and even make your book-related fantasies become a reality by getting a response.

It’s totally understandable that sometimes you don’t feel like pulling that hefty book out of your bag while walking around in those heels on the subway. This is why this list of must-follow Twitter feeds is for book lovers. Just a few swipes on your phone, and you’ll have a plethora of book recommendations, reviews, top-10 listicles and excerpts, quotes, and endless opportunities to win books for free in just a few simple steps.

If your TBR pile isn’t quite big enough, here is a list of some Twitter profiles for those who read all day long.

Bethanne Patrick, via @TheBookMaven

Since joining Twitter, we’ve been following the writer and reviewer Bethanne Patrick, and trust us, her account is the one-stop shop for all your book-loving desires. With 206K followers, we’re certainly not the only ones in love with her.

Bookforum Magazine, via @bookforum

The Twitter feed of Bookforum Magazine is a sure sign that you’re going be able to make your mark when you follow these people. The magazine is known for its thoughtful and artistic book reviews, and its Twitter feed certainly reflects that. In addition, with their somewhat subversive tone, they’re a great source to learn about the books that may not be on the radar of other readers.

BookPage, via @bookpage

As the Twitter feed for the monthly publication of book reviews is @bookpage, you’ll see your TBR pile rising within a matter of minutes. With a wide range of interests and a vast array of all kinds of literary genres, from historical and biography to romance and mystery, there’s something to suit everyone.

Book Riot, via @BookRiot

Their slogan is “Always books. Never boring.” They meet their promise. Book Riot’s content is varied, inclusive, and funny. You shouldn’t be missing the Our Reading Lives series, either.

Books Report, via @Booksreport

Publishing book content from all over the world, Books Report is going to be the go-to resource for retweets related to books. They’re interesting and timely, and at 28.6K tweets, they don’t miss anything.

Electric Literature, via @ElectricLit

The Twitter feed of @ElectricLIt is the reason why many of us were at the AWP convention trying to track a “Yoga For Writers” poster ⁠— you already know you want one, so check out their website! Since it is the Twitter official account of non-profit Electric Literature, this feed is solely dedicated to creating an online community of writers and readers. Do not miss their recommendations for reading!

GalleyCat, via @GalleyCat

Your go-to Twitter for the latest news in the world of books. The @galleycat feed covers everything from new book releases and publishing events, adaptations of films to books, and the most recent and best essential products to meet your book-loving desires. There is much more.

Goodreads, via @goodreads

If you’re not already following Goodreads on Twitter, we do not know what you’ve been doing all these years. No one is more passionate about reading than this group, and you can also be grateful for Emma Watson’s book club for women.

New York Times Books, via @nytimesbooks

It is worth noting that the New York Times book section is an excellent source for reviews of books, reflections on the current state of reading and writing literature and many other book-related articles. Authors often come to the site to read reviews of other books, and that’s really amazing.

Guardian Books, via @GuardianBooks

The same sort of greatness in books like that of the New York Times, this account provides an excellent foundation for the East-of-the-Atlantic literary scene, including reviews, interviews with authors, and fun quips.

NY Review of Books, via @nybooks

The slightly narcissistic self-anointing as “The premier literary-intellectual magazine in the English language” aside, the New York Review is a great place for readers. In addition to reviews on books, you’ll also be able to read amazingly well-written articles that cover other genres and more.

LA Times Books, @latimesbooks

Although not as popular as its east coast contemporaries, the LA Times‘ newspaper section and book blog are fantastic for reviews (which they have more of than other feeds) and author interviews and essays.

HuffPost Books, via @HuffPostBooks

Another online news source with an amazing book section, you can be immersed in HuffPost books for several days. They’re great for covering female-oriented books or for women, as well as on women. They also have a wealth of other fantastic books on diverse topics and genres.

We hope you enjoyed reading about some of the best Twitter feeds for book lovers to follow! If you wish to be a part of Austin Macauley Publishers, then you’re welcome to share your manuscripts here for review. You can also submit online by filling out this Online Submission Form.

Stay connected with Austin Macauley on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter for more updates.

Tips to be an Environmental Friendly Book Lover

Reading E-books and listening to audiobooks is a fantastic way to add a new dimension to your reading life environmentally friendly. Take a look at these easy tips through which you can be an ecofriendly book lover.

On June 5, the environmentally-conscious from all over the globe will commemorate World Environment Day. It’s a day to raise awareness about protecting Earth’s natural resources. There is no doubt that with rising environmental problems like global warming, we all need to do our bit and adopt environmentally sustainable practices in our daily lives to take care of the environment and protect our homes. Even the smallest things such as saving water or recycling materials, taking bikes, or walking instead of driving can make a huge difference. So what can we take on as readers? Let’s look at a few ways bookworms can aid the Earth… and not just on June 5.

Is Reading Eco-Friendly?

Sometimes, it feels like being an avid reader is the exact antithesis of a sustainable lifestyle. Every book is printed using massive, energy-consuming machines glued with potentially harmful chemicals, then shipped around the globe (increasing the carbon footprint). And don’t forget, every page is printed using a natural resource: paper. It’s certainly enough to pause eco-friendly readers and cause them to question whether the pleasures of reading really are worth the risk. But then, naturally, we realize the pleasure reading is, and the issue seems much less appealing than relaxing with a good book and forgetting about it.

Planet-Healthy Alternatives

Do not worry. We’re not suggesting that people stop reading! There are a variety of ways for readers to continue enjoying their books but with less impact on the world.

Audiobooks and E-Books

The easiest way to change how you consume your books is to move from paper books to ebooks and audiobooks. Downloading books eliminates the carbon footprint from the manufacturing and transportation of physical books. It also occupies virtually none of the space at home. A single device can house hundreds, or even thousands of books, providing you with the chance to read without guilt. Audiobooks are more beneficial as they allow you to take in more books than you would otherwise since they let you perform other, less fun tasks.

Borrowing Books Instead of Buying

If ebooks seem less enjoyable than the feeling of those beautiful pages you hold as you read, consider borrowing books instead of buying them. The library is an excellent method to access any kind of title. Book swaps are another fantastic option to read without spending extra. This means you can save money on books and only purchase an original copy if you know it will become the book you’ll keep for a lifetime and not just read it once.

The “Second-Hand” Option

Borrowing books is great, but if you want to have a copy you can hang on to for a long time, you might consider purchasing a second-hand. A used book can be the best way to make sure that a book that’s been used won’t be tossed into the garbage, and it also will mean that fewer books will need to be produced. Garage sales are an excellent option to fill your weekend, and second-hand books can be treasure troves that offer a unique setting.


What would you do if you ever wanted to get rid of your book? Think about donating it to a library, a small no-cost library, or even selling the books you’ve loved to other readers, and that’s not the only thing you could do. Books can also be recycled and turned into crafting supplies or even furniture! Covers and books that have been upcycled into notebooks and jewelry are plentiful at Etsy and fairs for the craft. This is a particularly good alternative for damaged books, missing parts, or out-of-date textbooks.

The Green Topics

There are many books to help us learn how to become more sustainable. From ethics books to farming, from food to healthy lifestyle, take a look at several books on environmental conscious subjects, and then learn about other ways to save the environment.

The Benefits of Being a Book Lover

There are several ways that being a bookworm can benefit the environment regardless of whether your home is really a library with a kitchen. If you are unable to let go of all those books, consider that having bookshelves lined up on the walls can help keep your home more insulated and helps to make it more energy-efficient. Paper books require the least amount of electricity, unlike watching television or playing video games, or logging on to the laptop at night. After the book is in your hands, reading a book while sitting is carbon neutral and completely waste-free. Fantastic!

Outside of the home reading, people are more likely to travel on the bus to work and squeeze in a little more time to read. We’ve had the privilege of taking advantage of a bus trip to sneak in one or two chapters in the past. It’s not just our commutes getting greener due to reading. Also, you’re supporting authors when you purchase their books. Helping writers is about those who work from home, which means less environmental impact.

We hope that you enjoyed reading about our suggested tips on how to be an environmentally friendly book lover. If you wish to be a part of Austin Macauley Publishers, then you’re welcome to share your manuscripts here for review. You can also submit online by filling out this Online Submission Form.

Stay connected with Austin Macauley on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter for more updates.