Creative Ways to Celebrate Publishing Your First Book

Publishing Your First Book

It’s time to celebrate! You’ve invested your time, effort, and all the hard work. You’ve written, revised, proofread, edited, and formatted your novel. Now it’s out there for the world to see.

A popular way for authors to celebrate their books is to host an event. It doesn’t matter if it’s a lavish one or if you’re doing it on a budget; a celebration is a must! There are a variety of ways to commemorate this moment. You may treat yourself to a holiday or get some nice jewelry to reward your hard work and efforts. So let’s dive into how you should go about cherishing your first novel being published!

Acknowledge Every Milestone; Regardless It’s a Big or Small One

If you’re an author, you are aware that there are days when the creative juices flow like high waves and fill the pages, and you can accomplish and achieve many things. But, there are times when writing a sentence can be exhausting and tedious. You could be staring at that same page for several hours. However, each day plays a significant role and is a stepping stone towards your goal!

Similar to other occasions, it’s equally important to celebrate this day in one way or another. You must celebrate all the milestones associated with the launch of your book. For instance, your first sale or earning your first $100.

Throw a Book Release Party

Before planning your party, consider if you actually need to host a party. When you’re a first-time author with limited resources or prefer something else to cherish these moments, that’s perfectly fine and is your choice.

You can also celebrate by taking a copy of your book on a trip and record the journey of your novel’s “vacation” by posting it on social media. You could take out to dinner with the people who contributed to the book or aided you during the writing and publication process.

If you’re a first-time writer and the book is close to your heart, you must seriously consider throwing a launch party. There’s only one debut novel. It’s an enormous accomplishment, and you shouldn’t downplay its significance. If you’ve managed to publish a book that has been close to your heart, then take pride in the accomplishment.

Some Other Creative Ways To Celebrate Your Book Launch

There are numerous ways to show appreciation for all your hard work that is paying off. The kind of book you’ve written reflects how you decide to honor your own characteristics.

Here are some suggestions for ways to commemorate this significant event in your own life:

A celebratory dance is a big YES!

Get together with family and friends.

Treat yourself because you deserve every bit of it! Get a luxury item like a piece of clothing or watch, or even upgrade your writing gear.

Print a few pages or images of the book’s cover for souvenirs.

Plan Your Next Steps

Publishing your book is just the first step to creating a successful career as a professional writer. If you’re committed to making a career in writing books, just being published isn’t enough.

You now have a new task to finish, including marketing and promoting your novel. Now you must work towards becoming well-known and recognized in your field.

You may have believed that creating a story by working non-stop was challenging, and you’re done with the hard part; however, marketing books require an entirely different set of skills.

Book launch parties are an excellent way to market your book. The more enthusiastic you feel about your novel, the happier people will be, so let your excitement shine through. Invite your family, friends, fans, and people who helped you write your book. Tell them how much you appreciate their support, and they’ll be more likely to endorse your book. Word of mouth can be the most effective method to market any service or product, particularly books. Also, take plenty of pictures. You can pick photos from your book’s release, post them all in one go, and reuse them in your marketing campaigns.

We hope that you enjoyed reading about our suggested tips and that they will be helpful to you. We wish you a successful writing career. Be a part of Austin Macauley by sharing your manuscripts here for review. You can also submit online by filling out this Online Submission Form.

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How Effective Writing and Strategy Yield A Good Book?

Writing a book that will keep its readers hooked is not a piece of cake but an art that you can learn over time. But it doesn’t mean that you should sit back and wait for the time when you will be skilful enough to write a good book. Of course, it will take some time, but meanwhile, you can learn those skills that will enable you to write a good book. Writing a good book is just one part of the process. Once you are done writing your book, there comes the most important stages; publishing and marketing. Now, you need to plan which publisher you are going to choose and how well your book marketing strategy will be. Knowing what makes a book worth reading is not just enough. On the flip side, identifying what can turn your book into a disaster is also important. We will tell you all the dos and don’ts of writing a good book that will not only make it to the bestsellers but will also be remembered for decades.


How to Define A Good Book?

Before answering this, let’s ask a few questions! Does a good book only mean the best seller? Do we love all the best-seller books? How many books that you read were not bestsellers but touched your heart? A good book is not only a best seller but also one that captivates the hearts of its readers in a way that makes them fall in love with the characters and theme of the book. On the contrary, some books might make it to the best sellers through good marketing and distribution, but you regret reading them. A good book will always be worth spending money on because reading is an investment, right?


How to Write A Good Book?

Now that we have established what a good book is, let us explore the elements of writing a good book. We have picked the three most important elements that you should always focus on while writing your book. These are:

  1. Plot
  2. Characters
  3. Pacing



The theme you are going to write about, or the plot of your book is the most important element of the book that you can’t afford to neglect. A poorly designed plot will lead to a number of loopholes in the story. Writing a good plot requires a critically appraised outline that connects the dots of the story in an engaging yet smooth way. Always take plenty of your time to brainstorm a plot. This way, you’ll write a great book.


We all remember characters from our favourite books, don’t we? What makes characters worth remembering and inspiring? It is their personality that a writer builds in a way that mesmerizes us? Be it is a hero or a villain, the appropriate personality build-up while writing a great book makes its readers fall in love with them.

Always build the personality of the characters as per the requirements of the character. One bonus tip, do not introduce unnecessary characters into your book as it will only confuse your readers.



You often pick a book, read a few pages and then put it aside and say, “Ah! It’s so slow, can’t read it.” We all have been there and simply can’t read a slow-paced boring book that is leading nowhere. We want a book to be interesting and well-paced.

Writing a book is not a child’s play, but we should not write a book merely for the sake of writing but making it engaging and worth reading is the real job. Set the pace of the story with twists and turns that eventually build up curiosity and excitement in readers and keep them hooked to the story.


How to Adopt a Good Publishing and Marketing Strategy?

A book without having a post manuscript writing plan is like you make a really good movie, but nobody knows about it, ultimately wasting all of your hard work. Writing a good book is not enough. You have to choose the right publishing services and do well-executed book marketing.  We are aware of the fact that a writer cannot do all of the work all alone. There come good publishing companies and book marketing experts that will do the rest of your work. Always go for those publishing companies that will give you maximum freedom and royalties.

Book marketing is the backbone of your book’s success. The right genre for the right readers is a must to consider before marketing your book – market wisely. Besides, online marketing, collaborations and book reading events are other ways that you can incorporate in your book marketing strategy.


We hope that following these will help you write a good book. After all, your book should reach its readers. Austin Macauley is a leading book publishing company headquartered in the UK, US and UAE. We are currently accepting manuscripts, and you can submit your manuscript to us for review.  For online submission of the manuscript, click the online submission form.


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