Sharjah Publishing City! A literary opening for the Arab world

Sharjah Publishing City! A literary opening for the Arab world

Sharjah adds one more landmark to its name and this time it’s the Sharjah Publishing city, to fulfil its literary appetite.
Covering approximately 20,000 square meters and each floor is 10,000 square meters, the Sharjah publishing city is equipped with latest technology every publisher needs for a guaranteed success. Adding to that, the tax free culture of the free-zones and accommodating nature of the region makes it a unique idea altogether.
If you are still unaware of the surprise named as Sharjah Publishing free zone then you need to read this from Ahmed bin Rakkad Al Ameri, chairman of the book authority “Sharjah Publishing City is the Arab world’s very first publishing free zone, offering those in the book industry the opportunity to capitalize on tax-free privileges while benefiting from being a wholly independently owned and operated company.”

One stop shop for top publishers:
This literary hub will cater to the leading international publishers like Austin MacauleyTM and many others. For all others who seek a name in the publishing world, Sharjah Publishing City is a platform where they can operate in a fully supportive, integrated environment and under the shadow of leading international publishers.
This free zone facility is not only going to facilitate the international authors and publishers to showcase their talents but will also benefit the local writers of the region in giving them the exposure to the world. Rakkad Al Ameri, emphasized on the fact that Sharjah Publishing City will not only be publishing hub of the Middle East only, but its spectrum will be the whole world. It connects the whole world, China to North Africa, India to Europe and US to the Asia.
According to Al Ameri “It is actually 365 days of book fairs in one spot.” We have the ideal environment for trading and training. “A lot of people can’t get a visa to the United States for training, and they can’t afford the cost. We are creating one stop shopping for publishers in Sharjah”. This facility will not only introduce the Arab and international publishing professionals to each other but also will allow creative talent to come forward and thrive.