Saad AlSogair’s ‘Your idea, Their Money’ Is Now Available at Boulder Book Store in Colorado, USA

Saad AlSogair’s ‘Your idea, Their Money’ Is Now Available at Boulder Book Store in Colorado, USA


We are delighted to tell you that the insightful book of our amazing author Saad AlsogairYour idea, Their Money, is now available at Boulder Book Store, Colorado, USA. You can place your orders on their website, or you can visit their brick-and-mortar store at 1107 Pearl Street, Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.

Your Idea, Their Money is intended towards entrepreneurs who are having trouble finding and closing investors for their businesses. While most entrepreneurs have the desire to succeed, few have the necessary skills, language, or expertise to successfully seek funding. This book will teach entrepreneurs about the investor perspective, different types of investments, how to write executive summaries and business plans, how to put together presentations, and much more. It not only covers the fundamentals of entrepreneurship but also gives business owners a roadmap for impressing investors.

Saad AlSogair is an angel investor, mentor, and advisor from Khobar, Saudi Arabia. He has participated in over 400 early-stage startups, including Ripple, Calm, Grove Collaborative, and Dollar Shave Club. After reviewing thousands of pitch decks, he began to pick up common and costly mistakes frequently made by entrepreneurs that hurt their chances with investors.