Author Ameen Zaidi Interviewed by the Cage-Free Radio Network

Author Ameen Zaidi Interviewed by the Cage-Free Radio Network


Cage-Free Radio Network interviewed our brilliant author, Ameen Zaidi, for the book, The Last War. The author discussed the learning process, the path of writing, and his experience writing the book. The interview is available here for the listeners.

The Last War is a fascinating fantasy read that talks about major elements in the universe, including darkness, fire, water, wind and light. The book talks about hope and the fate of the universe plagued by darkness and chaos. Get a copy of the book here.

Ameen Zaidi is a young aspiring author born on March 11, 2007, in Pakistan. He currently resides in Dubai with his twin brother and enjoys playing basketball and video games. Ameen has a passion for writing and loves to read in his spare time.