Austin Macauley Publishers Attended the Panel Discussion Organised by SPCFZ and EPA

Austin Macauley Publishers Attended the Panel Discussion Organised by SPCFZ and EPA

The Sharjah Publishing City Free Zone (SPCFZ) and the Emirates Publishers Association (EPA), recently organised a panel discussion, where over 30 local and international publishers were invited. Jade Robertson, International Publishing Director of Austin Macauley, was one of publishers attending the panel.

The gathering aimed at bringing-forth the key challenges faced by the publishing industry and how SPCFZ and EPA can collaborate to overcome challenges and ensure the progressive growth of the publishing sector.

Salim Omar Salim, the Director of SPCFZ and Rashed Al Kous, the Executive Director EPA, lead the discussion. While presenting his views, Mr Salim said: “The discussion of challenges and solutions opens the way for publishers to explore new opportunities and collaborations, share successful experiences, and rally efforts to accelerate the growth of the publishing industry.

He further added, “We are working on adding more services in the future to facilitate the workings of publishing businesses in the UAE more comprehensively. We have also showcased our plan to forge new strategic agreements with several government departments to support publishing professionals and the book industry.”

While talking to the publishers, the Executive Director EPA, Mr Al Kous emphasized on the importance of transparent dialogues between local publishers, especially those based in the SPCFZ. He said that it would be a great source of information for the Free Zone officials that will help them stay up to date regarding different challenges publishers face, in daily operations and effectively tackling them.

International Publishing Director of Austin Macauley, Jade Robertson shared her views on the panel discussion. She said that our company started its regional operations with the SPCFZ a couple of years ago. She further praised the Free Zone for its continuous support by providing numerous opportunities to expand into Arab markets and get benefits from the EPA’s leading initiatives.

Fatima Al Tamimi who is the owner of Awrqa Publishing house said that the panel discussion went very well. It was informative and helped her understand the services and offerings at the SPCFZ in details.

Director-General of Al Borj Media Publishing and Distribution, Ashraf Shaheen, said that such discussion session would help us gather different views. He added that these sessions will prove to enhance cooperation between local, Arab and international publishing houses in the UAE.