Kung Fu Magic
Kung Fu is a form of body exercise deploying high combat skills, in addition to being a self-exercise on internal discipline and intense focus. It also works to develop one’s ability to be ready and patient, to control one’s emotions and mind appropriately.Although there is a similarity between this sport and some other martial arts such as Taekwondo and Karate, there is a difference between them, and they also differ in terms of rules and history.Based on my experience of Kung Fu and its benefits that overwhelmed me with positive energy, which in turn had a drastic effect on my personal and professional life, I wanted to share, dear reader, all the information I have about this ancient sport that will surely entice you to want to know more about it. So why not practice it seriously and make it a way of life for you and your children?
AED 55.00 -
The Brief Details Of The Thirteen Prostitutes".
The greatest common factor between the Thirteen Secrets of Success and prostitutes is their profound impact on behaviour and the boldness to take a step forward.
You will succeed if you can enjoy the journey, as focusing on achieving the goal has proven ineffective in creating happiness.
If you can overcome the inevitable – such as the loss of a loved one – and the arbitrary judgments of society, and take responsibility for your actions, you will have overcome all challenges.
AED 35.00 -
Random Thoughts
الأفكار والتصرُّفات مرتبطان ببعض؛ حيث إنَّ الأفكار تؤثِّر على التصرُّفات ومنها على المعتقدات، وكذلك على منظور الأشخاص للحياة.
لكلٍّ منَّا استقلالية في تفكيره، لكن أساس تشكيل التفكير لربَّما يَبدأ منذ الصغر بسبب العوامل المختلفة التي قد تؤثِّر في منظورنا للحياة لتبني شخصيات متفاوتة في هذا العالم.
منطقيًّا وكمعلومة عن دماغ الإنسان، فهو مع اختلاف الأزمان يُمكن تغييرُه أو تطويرُه مِن الناحية الفكرية؛ فمِن ناحية نفسيَّة يستطيع الشخص العادي أو غير المتعلِّم أن يُحلِّل المواقف المختلفة، أو يحلَّ مشكلة معيَّنة يمُرُّ بها؛ فقدرة عقل الإنسان على التعلُّم والتطوُّر والتغيير قدرة رهيبة وممتعة.
يُمكن الاتِّفاق على أنَّ الكلَّ مختلف في التفكير، ولكن الكلَّ متشابِه في الوجود على نفس الكَون أو نفس الحياة.AED 25.00 -
A Study In Myself
كتاب قراءة في ذاتي كتاب يمثِّل المشاعر النقيَّة في الذات البشرية بكافَّة متغيِّراتها المستمرة.
قُسِّمَ هذا الكتاب إلى ثلاثة فصول، بحيث يُعَبِّر كلُّ فصل عن حقبة مشاعر متغيِّرة في الحبِّ بحسب المرحلة التي تعيشها.
فيكون التعبير في الفصل الأول عن الحبِّ في مرحلة الغرام والوقوع في الحبِّ.
أمَّا الفصل الثاني فيُعبِّر عن الحبِّ المتضارب والمشاعر المختلطة بين الإيجاب والسلبية.
والفصل الثالث والأخير يتكلَّم عن مشاعر الحبِّ الناضج ومرحلة السلام في الحبِّ .
هذا الكتاب عبارة عن مشاعر خالصة طبيعيَّة تمثِّل ذواتنا في مراحل مختلفة كلَّ يوم، هو للأشخاص الذين يجدون الحب شيئًا غير مفهوم، لعلَّه يساعدهم في فهم ذواتهم.
AED 25.00 -
The Soft Power
Life is all about choices. The choices we make can make us who we want to be.
It was never about what we want as a full picture, but as pieces that we put together to make a better picture.
We are never given a complete life. It was never meant to be complete and we are never meant to be complete in any way.
We are demanding creatures among all creatures. We always strive for more and never settled. Among all creatures, women are the most demanding. Not because they are unsatisfied and greedy but because they are smart enough to locate what is missing in their own lives.
The woman in this book is a woman who went through different journeys to reach the destination she settled in today, but toxic thoughts of yesterday or maybe the hidden desires of tomorrow are living in her thoughts and hunting her present.
She demands to be free, if not on the outside, then on the inside is enough for now.
She is all of the women out there and is all the girls they once were.
AED 35.00 -
Your Health Is Your Wealth
In this modern world, a person needs intensive, useful and comprehendible information, and Your Health is Your Wealth was designed and written to take into account the aspect of time and value of information, which is an important and vital equation, as the honorable reader benefits from the provided information in record time, and in which we consider his daily preoccupations and commitments in a way that contributes to the general interest of his life. Thus, the honorable reader flies through life filled with knowledge and passion to work, and the structure of true happiness is completed with a balanced equation that fits into his life along with a healthy and sound body that serves as the true wealth and bright future for man.
AED 30.00 -
Your True Voice
My different perspective made me insist that I disclose to you what was in me, what I believed in. The reason that made me lean towards this aspect is the desire to hold on to yourself well, and to make people think in a new and innovative way of life. My ultimate goal is that through my pages, you listen to your true voice…
AED 30.00 -
My Spiritual Silo
Letters lined to reach by self, high in the sky between lines of self-development, cosmic laws and surplus feelings we write. What is positive of them we keep and develop, and what is negative, we smile, be grateful, understand its message and delete; and to know that success starts with an idea within us after trust in Allah, there is no real obstacle to success but us.
AED 45.00 -
Made With Love
The book about love, and how love can change our concept of ourselves and life, by getting deeper into the concept of love,
its stages, its benefits, and everything that goes on with love in a broader and more comprehensive way, and in a way that makes a person more energetic and productive in his life.
The book also provides the reader with guidance and motivational methods on how to strive to find true love, which makes a person more creative, energetic, and productive.
AED 25.00 -
Greet Me With Your Heart First
Warning! This book will envelop your mind as whirlwinds envelop space. Man was created to travel with his soul and mind through the vast universe, not to remain in his physical condition. You will walk through it in the corridors of the House of Governance in Baghdad, and you will sit in cafes full of intellectuals, and inevitably you will travel to the sky.
AED 40.00 -
Another World
In this book, the author deals with the weight of psychological pain and its negative impact on a person’s ability to interact in his daily life and practice his natural roles, by addressing a selection of various human examples between women and men who belong to different ages and social classes. This is done through a dramatic novel dealing with the feelings of love, ambition, and abandonment, where events escalate and intersect until each person finds a way to rid themselves of their psychological burdens, and return once again to practicing their life activities and integrate with society.
AED 35.00
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