The Secret Of Femininity
Discover the secret of femininity with “The Femininity Secret: An Etiquette Guide to Confidence and Style” The inspiring book reveals your true strength as a woman and helps you embrace an inner attraction that radiates confidence, serenity, and elegance.
With powerful tips and practical practices, you'll master the art of communication, embrace your unique beauty, and exude confidence in any situation.
True femininity is not limited to external beauty, but includes inner strength, flexibility, and self-love.
Each chapter in “The Feminine Secret” inspires you to let go of doubts, embrace your authenticity, and take confident steps toward inner strength as a woman. By developing etiquette alongside your personal growth, you will discover a powerful combination that elevates your presence in every aspect of your life.
This guide is your faithful companion! Whether you are at the beginning or end of the journey of developing your personal and professional lives. In its pages, you will find the keys that open the doors of true femininity for you. You live a life full of purpose, passion and elegance.
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Creativity And Conservatism: An Investigation Into The Formation Of Saudi Female Artistic Identity
This book investigates the formation of Saudi female artistic identity within the context of religious and social values and customs. It proposes a theory about the uniqueness of this identity in terms of how Saudi female artists push the boundaries of creativity in a conservative culture.
The book explores the influence of two main factors: Islamic doctrines and sociocultural norms. It examines how these factors relate to the temporal and spatial limitations placed on artists. From a faith-based perspective, it analyses the ambivalent relationship between some Muslim scholars’ thoughts and the concept of creativity, and how this ambivalence can be overcome.
The book also examines the intellectual and cultural factors that have shaped Saudis’ collective mindset about the arts, incorporating significant events in Saudi history and their impact on artistic practice.
If you have questions about what factors shape female Saudi artistic identity or how these artists are challenging norms of representation, this book helps uncover the answers.AED 0.00 -
Stop To Gain Insight
This book is prepared for everyone who wants to make his work a pleasant journey. I mentioned in it the most important tips that I gained from my experience during my professional journey, in which I learned many skills that help me not only in work but also in dealing with life as a whole.
Here, I chose to offer you a spark that lights your way, serving as a beacon in this journey, which may be accompanied by some difficult or embarrassing situations, or others that may be challenging to handle. You can make this book a friend even before you start your journey.
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Step By Step
Continuous work, sometimes for long years, in the field of implementing and managing events or forums, in institutions, companies, or family and private occasions, may cause a kind of sluggishness in their implementation, which may negatively affect the quality of these forums and their ability to achieve the desired goals, and this is what we do not hope for.
In this book, the most important stages of preparation and implementation of events will be listed. Regardless of the field of the event or its targets, this book is considered a procedural guide that includes very important steps to ensure the achievement of these events, which may cost a lot in many cases, the desired goals and the expected return from this investment, whether it is a material investment or even a moral investment.
The beauty of this book is that it summarizes these steps and stages in a simple, easy, and enjoyable way, without focusing solely on the practical or theoretical aspects. In this book, you will be introduced to the most important stages and their mechanisms of execution, with the author’s keen effort to clarify the nature and purpose of these stages and how to implement them.
The book will include applied practical exercises to ensure that readers practice the stages and steps in a practical but enjoyable way, through drawings, pictures and models that will be an important reference for them in the future.
This book targets all those interested in organizing any activity, event, or meeting, whether on a professional or even personal level. It makes no difference whether you aim to organize an event, a family gathering, or an institutional event. You need a guide that you can consider as a reference that contributes to determining the right path. Yours, with a touch of creativity from you of course.
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Attitudes In Thoughts
When reality is placed under a literary microscope, the human soul becomes more legible.
Attitudes in Thoughts delves into the depths of the mind and heart, uncovering hidden meanings within the events of daily life.
This book illuminates the soul’s experiences as it seeks balance and inner peace.
Through thoughtful reflections that influence the presence of awareness, the author offers guidance to elevate the human being and enrich their existence.
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Paths Of Life
Each of us walks on a path in life.
Either this path is by his choice or it is imposed upon him.
So he lives his life with its sweetness and bitterness, its pain and joy, its success and failure, until he reaches the end of the path.
And at the end of the path:
Either he finds that every step he took on the path of his life was running after a mirage that did not materialize, so he leaves that as a lump in his heart and throat, and he keeps asking himself: What happened? Where did I go wrong?
Or he feels that his steps on the path he walked on have achieved his dreams and aspirations, or some of them, so he feels satisfied with himself.
Or he may be somewhere in between.
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Kung Fu Magic
Kung Fu is a form of body exercise deploying high combat skills, in addition to being a self-exercise on internal discipline and intense focus. It also works to develop one’s ability to be ready and patient, to control one’s emotions and mind appropriately.Although there is a similarity between this sport and some other martial arts such as Taekwondo and Karate, there is a difference between them, and they also differ in terms of rules and history.Based on my experience of Kung Fu and its benefits that overwhelmed me with positive energy, which in turn had a drastic effect on my personal and professional life, I wanted to share, dear reader, all the information I have about this ancient sport that will surely entice you to want to know more about it. So why not practice it seriously and make it a way of life for you and your children?
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The Brief Details Of The Thirteen Prostitutes".
The greatest common factor between the Thirteen Secrets of Success and prostitutes is their profound impact on behaviour and the boldness to take a step forward.
You will succeed if you can enjoy the journey, as focusing on achieving the goal has proven ineffective in creating happiness.
If you can overcome the inevitable – such as the loss of a loved one – and the arbitrary judgments of society, and take responsibility for your actions, you will have overcome all challenges.
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Random Thoughts
الأفكار والتصرُّفات مرتبطان ببعض؛ حيث إنَّ الأفكار تؤثِّر على التصرُّفات ومنها على المعتقدات، وكذلك على منظور الأشخاص للحياة.
لكلٍّ منَّا استقلالية في تفكيره، لكن أساس تشكيل التفكير لربَّما يَبدأ منذ الصغر بسبب العوامل المختلفة التي قد تؤثِّر في منظورنا للحياة لتبني شخصيات متفاوتة في هذا العالم.
منطقيًّا وكمعلومة عن دماغ الإنسان، فهو مع اختلاف الأزمان يُمكن تغييرُه أو تطويرُه مِن الناحية الفكرية؛ فمِن ناحية نفسيَّة يستطيع الشخص العادي أو غير المتعلِّم أن يُحلِّل المواقف المختلفة، أو يحلَّ مشكلة معيَّنة يمُرُّ بها؛ فقدرة عقل الإنسان على التعلُّم والتطوُّر والتغيير قدرة رهيبة وممتعة.
يُمكن الاتِّفاق على أنَّ الكلَّ مختلف في التفكير، ولكن الكلَّ متشابِه في الوجود على نفس الكَون أو نفس الحياة.AED 4.00 -
Why They Are Rich
Those answers show the more important steps to be rich and wealthy in simple and short sentences. You can choose any answer to be close to your dream.
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A Study In Myself
كتاب قراءة في ذاتي كتاب يمثِّل المشاعر النقيَّة في الذات البشرية بكافَّة متغيِّراتها المستمرة.
قُسِّمَ هذا الكتاب إلى ثلاثة فصول، بحيث يُعَبِّر كلُّ فصل عن حقبة مشاعر متغيِّرة في الحبِّ بحسب المرحلة التي تعيشها.
فيكون التعبير في الفصل الأول عن الحبِّ في مرحلة الغرام والوقوع في الحبِّ.
أمَّا الفصل الثاني فيُعبِّر عن الحبِّ المتضارب والمشاعر المختلطة بين الإيجاب والسلبية.
والفصل الثالث والأخير يتكلَّم عن مشاعر الحبِّ الناضج ومرحلة السلام في الحبِّ .
هذا الكتاب عبارة عن مشاعر خالصة طبيعيَّة تمثِّل ذواتنا في مراحل مختلفة كلَّ يوم، هو للأشخاص الذين يجدون الحب شيئًا غير مفهوم، لعلَّه يساعدهم في فهم ذواتهم.
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