
Dear All,

As the global COVID-19, public health emergency, continues to spread and create uncertainties for families and businesses worldwide, we want to ensure you that Austin Macauley Publishers is actively addressing challenges that our clients may be facing. Our management is monitoring the global situation and has as many staff as possible working from home for their health and safety. We will do our upmost to mitigate any delays that may occur in association with the COVID-19 epidemic. Our top priority and foremost concern is the wellbeing of our clients, authors, staff, customers, partners and distributors.

Editorial and Submissions – Sending Us Your Work

Our editorial teams are currently working from home, as advised by World Health Organisation and GOV.UK. If you are in the process of writing or completing your book, this would be a great time to send us your work as the editorial review process is still in action!

Online submission form
Click here
Email your manuscript

Our editors will review your work and reach you with their feedback in a few weeks of receiving your work. It would be wise to avoid sending us your submissions via post as we anticipate delays in receiving physical packages.

Production and Marketing

Circumstances are changing daily and we are working hard to adjust and adapt to unfolding events. We feel that it would be unrealistic and irresponsible of us not to acknowledge that there would likely be some delays to the production process. Also, with some of the major international exhibitions getting cancelled and some bookstores being closed, many publishers are facing some setbacks in marketing. We are currently evaluating all options to minimise the negative outcomes of this change for our authors. Our Leadership team is continuously meeting to assess that our strategies, processes and deliverables continue to remain as current, smooth and unaffected as they can. While certain factors may not be under control, we are ensuring that those that are, remain as strong and that our teams remain as responsive as possible. That said, we are doing all we can to swiftly implement procedures that we hope will alleviate any delays as much as possible.

Book Orders

Our warehouses are currently operational but limited, as we want to respect the government’s advice prioritising public health and safety. We can fulfil our product orders, but there may be some delays depending on where it’s being shipped to and which outlet is supplying them.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our subscribers and supporters who have shown us support on our social pages. Please do stay connected with us through our social channels.

Again, we would like to thank you for supporting us during these challenging and difficult times that we are all going through as a community.

Stay Safe & Read On!