The Overflowing Grace upon a Creation that Heard the Voice of the Most Merciful

Ahmed Ali Sanad

Total Pages: 198
SKU: N/A Category:


This book discusses a creation that heard the beautiful voice of Allah, the majestic, the generous, the mighty, the exalted, the powerful, the patron, the Lord of majesty and generosity, blessed and exalted be He. It explores a creation that heard the voice of Allah in wakefulness and in dreams, supported by authentic chains of narration indicating so.

It is essential to emphasize that Allah, the Most High, has no likeness whatsoever, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing. This applies to all descriptions attributed to Him. We are not to describe Allah with attributes that He has not described Himself with, nor has His Messenger described Him with them, either by negation or affirmation. We follow, and we do not innovate.

Therefore, we put our trust in Allah. Our Lord, judge between us and our people with truth, and You are the best of judges. I seek refuge in Allah from saying about Allah that which is not true.”

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