إذا كنت تبحث عن الخطة والوصفة السحرية التي يعتمدها نخبة المجتمع، ولمعرفة سر اختلافهم وتميزهم.. إذا كنت تبحث عن الطريقة الناجحة لبناء عقلية متنامية وقوية.. إليك ذلك، هذا بالضبط ما ستجده في لبّ الكتاب.
كن دائمًا على اتصال بنفسك؛ لأن الطريق إلى تطوير الذات ليس بالأمر السهل، وفقدان نفسك في المتاهة أمر وارد الحدوث. لأن الحياة رحلة مليئة بالتقلبات، ومع كل تحدٍّ وكل عقبة، تُمنح لك فرصةٌ للنمو كفَردٍ.
يحتوي هذا الكتاب على أقوى الإستراتيجيات - النفسية والعملية - على الإطلاق ومن مختلف المصادر، لمساعدتك على التخلص من الأشياء التي تُخَدِّرُ عقلك وتعيق نموك وتطويرك الشخصي.
AED 40.00 -
The Gulf Son
The fifteen-year-old Ahmed did not realize that the stone his aunt gave him was capable of taking him to a journey between hidden worlds. In his journey, he meets good and bad characters. Each character has a motive to kill him or to save his life. An exciting novel filled with mystery that will leave your mind wondering.
AED 45.00 -
My Daughter Fatima
The events of the story revolve around Souad, a mother of three children. She was living a quiet and stable life with her family. She was not planning for a fourth child, but God decided and did what he wanted. She became pregnant with the fourth child, and with this pregnancy she carried within her many feelings of rejection and not accepting reality. Feeling pressure, and experiencing exceptional events during pregnancy and postpartum, these events make Souad contemplate everything around her, and discover the value of all the big and small blessings that surround her, which she had not previously noticed, so she begins to feel the value of her fourth child, which she has had.
AED 30.00 -
Smile And Life
Smile… Because you can reach the summit... Do not care about those who don’t want you to reach it… Care about your ambitions… Care about what you want… And live as you want
AED 35.00 -
A Meeting Of Spirits
A person saw a vision that he was a merchant. This merchant was not righteous in his life, and he was not keen to do good work and have decent morals. Also, he did not raise his children well. This merchant died, and he was suffering the horrors of the grave, and in the cemetery some souls gathered in front of his grave to find out the secret of his permanent torment and what is the way to relieve him from the horrors and suffering of the grave. And the events continue until this person wakes up from his sleep, shocked by the horror of the dream, and begins to wonder: who is the merchant? And why did this long dream come to him? Through his contemplation of the events of this dream, he realises that there are things in his life that he must hasten to change, and through the dream he knew the requirements for the path of salvation.
AED45.00AED 22.50 -
Choosing Love
Lana Bataineh, better known as Loofy, is a mother, a wife, a sister, a grandmother, and an ALS patient. Sixteen years ago, the doctors gave her two years to live. Since then, she has attended her three children’s graduations, danced at her son’s wedding, witnessed the birth of her first grandchild, and inspired countless lives along the way.
Choosing Love takes you on Lana’s journey of finding inner strength through the power of love. It is a human story guaranteed to inspire anyone going through hardship.
“I am certain Lana’s book will take people’s breath away”
– Mostafa Salameh, author of Dreams of a Refugee
“From Lana, I learn what the words hope and strength really mean. I learn how to be optimistic.”
– Blog reader
AED 50.00 -
High Fever And Its Cure For Children,High Temperature And Treatment Methods For Children
This book gives sequential ideas, starting with defining the temperature rise in children and then describing the correct methods for measuring the temperature according to the children’s age, as well as the right technique for measuring the temperature. These methods are illustrated in order to explain the effects of wrong measurement of temperature and how to avoid it. The book provides a clear plan of action for parents or health care providers to treat high fever and exercises to alert the parents to detect the risks and determine when to have medical assistance, and finally point the wrong treatment of temperature which is followed in some communities.
AED 35.00 -
Wake Up And Open Your Eyes
“If you don’t know where you are going, you may not like where you end up.” When we were young, our dreams flirted with the stars; our parents would defend us in the face of life. We did not feel that the world was rough, nor did the winds threw us like a small sheet of paper. A novel that narrates a reality that most people live. Its heroine is a young girl named Yasmine. She searches for her inner feelings and the reason for her monotonous life. She searches for a way out of the cycle of delay and procrastination, accelerating events that makes her wonder about her dreams that she left and the world in which she lives. Jasmine lives a long dream in which she wakes up to a strong alarm.
AED 35.00 -
استكشف العالم - Explore The World
“Explore the World” is an archive of photographs taken in the past 40 years, in which you find strange diversity, dazzling differentiation. It seeks to raise curiosity and questions through various angles the camera takes. Abdullah Alnibari was always fascinated by the different people and places he encountered throughout his life. His photographs offer a range of coverage from the beauty of changing nature, the vibrancy of old cities, the advancement of civilizations and the fine details of animals and plants.
What do you find in the book?
A collection of photographs taken from several countries from the Middle East, North and West Africa, Southeast Asia, and North America. The photographs capture visually striking symbols and the poetic meanings behind those shapes, they also foster unique moments that highlight the beauty of diverse communities while capturing people’s dynamic interactions. It later dives into the world of nature where you’ll explore the different bird species and plants from different climates. It also draws attention to compelling structures, buildings, houses, terrains, and street environments. These photographs address different possibilities and awaken our creative vision through the complex nature of cultures.
"اكتشف العالم" هو أرشيف للصور الفوتوغرافية التي تم التقاطها على مدار الأربعين عامًا الماضية، حيث تجد فيها تنوعًا غريبًا وتمايزًا رائعًا. يسعى هذا الأرشيف إلى إثارة الفضول وطرح الأسئلة من خلال زوايا مختلفة تلتقطها الكاميرا. لطالما كان عبد الله النيباري مفتونًا بالأشخاص والأماكن المختلفة التي صادفها على مدار حياته. تقدم صوره الفوتوغرافية مقتطفات مختلفة من جمال الطبيعة المتغيرة وحيوية المدن القديمة وتَقدُّم الحضارات وتفاصيل الحيوانات والنباتات الدقيقة.
ماذا تجد في الكتاب؟
مجموعة صور مأخوذة من عدة دول من الشرق الأوسط وشمال وغرب إفريقيا وجنوب شرق آسيا وأمريكا الشمالية. تلتقط الصور رموزًا مدهشة بصريًا والمعاني الشعرية وراء تلك الأشكال، كما أنها تعزز اللحظات الفريدة التي تسلط الضوء على جمال المجتمعات المختلفة أثناء التقاط التفاعلات الديناميكية للأشخاص. يتعمق الكتاب لاحقًا في عالم الطبيعة حيث ستستكشف أنواع مختلفة من الطيور والنباتات من مناخات مختلفة. كما أنه أيضًا يلفت الانتباه إلى الهياكل والمباني والمنازل والتضاريس وبيئات الشوارع الجذابة. وتتناول هذه الصور الإحتمالات المختلفة وتوقظ رؤيتنا الإبداعية من خلال طبيعة الثقافات المعقدة.AED 65.00 -
Unforgivable Confessions
The expatriation here absorbs the best of you, it absorbs your passion for life, your dreams and the most beautiful years of your life, it takes some of your features and gives you a new face that may not look like you. It turns you into a robot programmed to run day and night just pretending to live Here, you live alone regardless how many friends or relatives you have, and how much you are surrounded by people who pretend to love you and care about you. Nobody here is interested in your problems and nobody feels your pain. Everyone is busy with his own life, and pretend not hearing you even when you speak to them face to face. To be an expatriate is to scream for help in a moment of weakness, and you know that no one is coming to rescue you but yourself. You always try to smile with your exhausted lips from pain that no one knows except you, and you pretend living so you can stay alive!
AED 40.00 -
Violation Of A Letter
In the harbors of life, be like the humble fishermen who fish for their sustenance, and return home at the end of the day. The merciless who fish for the sustenance of life will have regrets when it becomes moldy.
AED 35.00 -
Between Hell And Humanity
All my dreams were shattered upon my arrest, and as soon as I began to realize what was going on around me, the horror and magnitude of the catastrophe became clear to me little by little.
And what was going on in the prison cells and detention centers is only a small part of that situation in this country.
It was a dirty war in every sense of the word. Houses were destroyed and crumbled over their inhabitants, and entire families were disappearing under the rubble of buildings in a blink of an eye.
The barrel bombs were spreading terror everywhere, and the chemical weapons had done their share of killing.
My mother was killed by a stray shell that landed on our village without warning. It fell not far from our house, and it took with it two little girls, who were our neighbors’ children, who were on their way to Abu Hussein’s grocery store.
AED 55.00
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