Will That Day Come? | Austin Macauley Publishers
Will That Day Come?-bookcover

By: Yasmeen Bint Qassimi

Will That Day Come?

menu. 80 Pages Ratings: 5.0
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Emotions: Expressing feelings of love and separation, and their impact on her life.

Coincidences: Reflecting on unexpected encounters that alter the course of life.

Love: Describing love as a force that reorders the soul and provides security.

Separation: Conveying the pain of parting and the enduring longing it brings.

Memories: Cherishing beautiful memories despite the pain, and hoping for the possibility of reunion.

Tell me about the memories that still linger in your mind from your first meeting with the one you love.

Tell me how you feel when you are far from the person you love.

Tell me about the emotions that arise when you speak of dreams that have become reality.

‘If I knew the dream would bring us together,

I would close my eyes in longing… forever.’

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