Whispers Of The Heart Between Pain And Hope | Austin Macauley Publishers
Whispers Of The Heart Between Pain And Hope-bookcover

By: Azza Yousef El-Helw

Whispers Of The Heart Between Pain And Hope

Autobiography, Biography & Memoir
Arabic 290 Pages Ratings:
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A collection of short stories, each independent yet deeply resonant, exploring the realities, emotions, feelings, situations, and beliefs that shape our lives. Some stories may shock us, while others we accept as they are – much like the ebb and flow of life itself. The journey begins with a child’s cry at birth, bringing joy to their parents, and unfolds into a tapestry of experiences. Reflecting on our own lives, we find a parallel to the book’s title, Whispers of the Heart Between Pain and Hope. Life swings us between its wings, carrying us through joy and sorrow, death and life, pain and hope.

Azza Youssef El-Halou, born in Egypt, from the city of Mansoura, spent her childhood and youth in Kuwait, where her father worked as an Arabic language teacher. She later joined Ain Shams University, specifically the Slavic Languages Department, and more precisely the Russian Language Department, where she received a scholarship

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