When Can I Say I Am A Successful Leader? | Austin Macauley Publishers
When Can I Say I Am A Successful Leader?-bookcover

By: Dr. Abdullah Abduljabbar

When Can I Say I Am A Successful Leader?

Business, Finance & Law
menu. 162 Pages Ratings:
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The human element plays a crucial role in the success or failure of organizations, influencing everything from product design and quality control to resource allocation and strategy formulation. For this reason, organizations strive to recruit highly competent individuals and achieve success through effective workforce planning, development, and motivation, as well as by crafting sound policies and fostering exceptional administrative leadership.

The key question lies in how organizations cultivate such distinguished leadership. This book explores the essential qualities a leader must possess to elevate their team – and, in turn, their organization – to the highest levels of professionalism and success.

It also delves into the critical distinction between leadership and management. Not every manager is a leader, nor are all managers successful in their roles. Leadership, like any profession or art, requires specific standards and measurable indicators to achieve success. By applying these principles, organizations can move beyond competence to achieve true excellence.

Dr. Abdullah Abdul Jabbar A Saudi national, born in Jeddah in 1964. Holds a PhD in Industrial Engineering (2013). Over 25 years of experience in management.


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