Towards Personal And Professional Success: Discover Your Strengths And Choose Your Golden Specialty | Austin Macauley Publishers
Towards Personal And Professional Success: Discover Your Strengths And Choose Your Golden Specialty-bookcover

By: Ali Ahmed Al Nuaimi

Towards Personal And Professional Success: Discover Your Strengths And Choose Your Golden Specialty

Health, Lifestyle & Fitness
menu. 418 Pages Ratings: 4.7
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At this exciting stage of your journey, let me tell you that confusion and hesitation are normal, do not rush to make a complete decision, give yourself time to explore and experiment.

Invest this period to discover your hidden and passionate sides, and seek to discover what excites you and makes your heart beat faster.

Be confident that interests and goals can change as you develop, explore different fields and benefit from their experiences, you will be surprised that you may head towards a different path based on your discoveries.

Continue to engage in dialogue with your relatives and friends, they may open new doors of perspective for you.

Remember that choosing your specialization is not only a door to knowledge and skills, but also a bridge to achieving your dreams.

Whether you choose a specific starting point or navigate through various options, hard work and passion in the field you belong to are the keys to leadership and creativity.

Pursue what resonates with your spirit and aspirations, and know that achieving success depends on your determination and perseverance.

Ali Ahmed Al Nuaimi has worked for more than 30 years in training and teaching management in various schools and institutes.

He holds a Master of Science in Strategic Management and Information Systems from the University of Hertfordshire in London.

He holds international certificates from leading companies in training and technical supervision.

He has received many awards and certificates of appreciation.

He is a participant in a range of strategic research and studies.

Customer Reviews
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9 Reviews
  • ماجده الكيلاني

    كتاب جميل بكل تاخر كثيرا كنا بحاجته .. مفيد لكل من يريد تحسين مستقبله وحياته

  • Balqees

    الكتاب مميز جداً والمواضيع مهمه في حياتنا العمليه واليوميه كل التوفيق والشكر ,

  • شهد

    كتاب مفيد جداً وملهم انصح بقراءته 🙏🙏

  • فهد القرشي

    كتاب جيد مفيد للطال واصحاب التخصصات اعجبني كثيرا ملهم وفيه الكثير من الخفايا ...

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  • ابوبكر محمد

    اعجبني كتاب ملهم واسلوب بسيط وسهل بخطوات واضحة وغير معقدة شكرا على هذا الكتاب.

  • زينة

    كتاب غني بالمعلومات القيّمة، يوازن بين الجانب النظري والتطبيقي، ويقدم أدوات عملية لتحقيق الأهداف. يتميز بأسلوب جذاب ومنظم، ولكنه يحتاج إلى بعض التجديد في الأفكار.

  • محمد البحري

    كتاب عملي وملهم، يتميز بأسلوب بسيط وأفكار منظمة. يجمع بين التوازن الشخصي والمهني، مع أمثلة واقعية وخطوات تطبيقية. مفيد لكل باحث عن تطوير ذاته وتحقيق النجاح.

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