The Infant's Killer | Austin Macauley Publishers
The Infant's Killer-bookcover

By: Ibrahim Almulhim

The Infant's Killer

Arabic 106 Pages Ratings: 5.0
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A group of relatives gather in a private council on weekend nights, including four who form the “four-wheel drive” group. Two of them represent intellectual strength due to age and experience, namely Hamoudi and Barhoum, and the other two represent physical strength due to the effervescence and Vigor of youth. Muhaisen and Omair.

Hamoudi “Muhammad” and Barhoumi “Ibrahim” are cousins, and Muhaisen and Omair are brothers, and they are Barhoumi’s nephews.

The meeting place in the house of Barhoumi’s brother (the house of Muhaisen and Omair) represents the site of intellectual communication between the quartet and Brigadier General Abdullah (Barhoumi’s brother), who transmits some thorny criminal files to them, and they contribute to finding a solution to them. The group was included as a volunteer in the security system due to its recognized contributions.

The Infant's Killer, a criminal file that Brigadier General Abdullah showed his four loved ones after he thought it was just a simple criminal incident committed by the child's nanny who was fed up with it after she despaired of the approval of the head of the house and her sponsor to terminate her work contract and return to her country, India. Some intellectual sessions and deliberations between them eventually led to the mystery being uncovered, and the real killer falling into the hands of justice, the killer who was the person closest to the child... who was his father. After he abandoned all human feelings, and there was no mercy in his heart, he sought a life full of pleasures without any disturbances. He saw his child as a distraction to his life, so he wanted to remove him from his life with his wife who despised him (according to him) by accusing her, so that he would finally fall into the evil of his work.

Ibrahim Almulhim, Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine from King Faisal University, and won first place in the class.

Master’s degree in virology and laboratory diagnosis from the same university.

Head of the Virology Department at the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory in Al-Ahsa.

A long-time writer in the Saudi Al-Youm newspaper, he has many articles that contain the scent of criticism in various fields.

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  • rashed.mubg

    قصة اقل ما يقال عنها رائعة و تحمل العديد من المعاني و القيم التي يحتاجها المرء في حياته و أهمها الصبر و الثقة بالخالق عز وجل نشكر الكاتب على هذا العمل الجميل و نتمنى له التوفيق و السداد

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