The Boy With Roots | Austin Macauley Publishers
The Boy With Roots-bookcover

By: Narjis Al Lawati

The Boy With Roots

Children's Fiction
menu. 28 Pages Ratings:
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This inspiring and enjoyable story for children delivers important educational messages. It encourages young readers to overcome laziness, strive toward their goals, and approach tasks with effort and diligence.

The story also emphasizes the value of good health, promoting the joys of both physical and mental activity. Filled with exciting events and engaging characters, this tale captivates children while helping them understand the meaningful lessons it conveys.

Nargis loves children’s stories and always enjoys them. She uses her imagination and creativity to create stories that delight them in reading. In addition to her love for writing, she also loves drawing and art, and she uses this passion to develop her illustrations and explanations in her stories. She always strives to enrich children’s reading experience and uses an innovative approach in storytelling to convey an

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