Stories Told By My Mother | Austin Macauley Publishers
Stories Told By My Mother-bookcover

By: Rafeef Mahmood Shakaki

Stories Told By My Mother

Short Stories
menu. 44 Pages Ratings:
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This book contains a collection of illustrated short stories, each independent in its content.

The stories are realistic and aimed at school-aged children, depicting situations common in every child’s life, such as jealousy, bullying, facing challenges, and the importance of home and family.

What ties these stories together is their inspiration from real life, despite featuring some fictional characters from the animal and inanimate worlds.

Each story leaves a positive impression on the child, making it an excellent choice for bedtime reading.

The writer Rafeef Mahmoud Shaqqi, from the Syrian city of Hama. She studied in Syrian schools and obtained a degree in food engineering and healthy nutrition. A mother of two girls, she also worked in teaching children alongside her studies and work. She has some unpublished writings and has contributed to the preparation.

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