San Diego Fall | Austin Macauley Publishers
San Diego Fall-bookcover

By: Mohaned Shaker

San Diego Fall

menu. 258 Pages Ratings:
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Between war and peace, between the sincerity Qusay embodied and the deception that changed everything after Iraq’s invasion, our protagonist experiences more than one autumn in more than one country, and each autumn carries many stories within it.

A unique love story, various fleeting faces, and characters pass through the lives of the two protagonists until their last meeting in 2040, transforming Jude’s life into a bleak autumn that makes her last moments gloomy.

Muhannad Shaker Yassin Al-Mousa – Born in Baghdad in 1981.

During his childhood and youth, he witnessed the First and Second Gulf Wars and the occupation of Iraq.

Like other Iraqis, he suffered the consequences of these wars, which left indelible scars in his soul.

He is a civil engineer with a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Technology in Baghdad and a Master’s degree in Geomatics Engineering from Malaysia.

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