Loose Heart | Austin Macauley Publishers
Loose Heart-bookcover

By: Mashail Omar Galo

Loose Heart

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Let your heart be as loose as a large, comfortable garment – one that does not burden you with weight nor constrict you in any way. A heart that is free, without artificial walls. For the heart is far greater than just a muscle with four chambers pumping blood to your limbs. It is more than a mere place to hide; more than a box where we curl up and disappear from the world.

It is greater than being a mere storage space for unwanted emotions, greater than being a trash bin for the remnants of the past. It is not a vault for pain we dare not speak aloud, nor a ground on which we expend our energy on feelings that harm us and drain those around us. Our hearts should not be something we wish to discard in our weakest moments. Let your heart be your source of radiance, your dwelling of strength and wisdom, your guide and companion on this long journey. Let it be sacred, for God’s throne is near it.

Do not keep your treasure buried deep within you alone. Inspire the world with it. Create goodness through it, the goodness you believe in. Each of us is fighting our own battle, facing unique circumstances – so let your heart be your partner and your savior.

I believe that hearts hold all the answers… all the solutions. We just need to care for them deeply, both in ways we feel and in ways we do not. We must protect them from harmful reactions, from the blows of unexpected events.

From barren sorrows that bear no comfort. Let your heart be as you would want it to be when it stands before God.

Mashael Omar Qalu, an ambitious young woman, who seeks spiritual and emotional elevation above all else. She seeks to live consciously and is currently enjoying motherhood. A dedicated nursing specialist, she lives in Riyadh.

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