Ideas And Lessons For Work And Life | Austin Macauley Publishers
Ideas And Lessons For Work And Life-bookcover

By: Dr. Charles J. Tawk

Ideas And Lessons For Work And Life

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This book chronicles the journey of an ordinary man and the story of a person you get to know through the articles he has written, which translate moments and convey the stories he has lived since childhood, through adolescence and university studies, to his beginnings as a legal practitioner, his career change, and his passion for human resources, reaching the world of consulting, training, and organizational psychology. This ordinary man hopes that one of his stories, advice, or ideas will touch the depths of your hearts, inspiring you to change your lives for the better. 

Dr. Tawk held numerous positions in the fields of human resources, management, and law. He has been and continues to be an active member of professional and international organizations such as the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb), the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), and the International Coaching Federation (ICF). In addition to the above, Charles was chosen to be a member of the advisory board at the American University in the Emirates, Abu Dhabi Business School, Swiss Business School, and was elected president of the University of Leicester branch in the Middle East and the Gulf region, and a member of the Alumni Association Committee. In addition to this book in both Arabic and English, Dr. Tawk has many academic and professional articles, and he has participated in numerous forums, conferences, television, and radio interviews.

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