Amidst The Darkness Appears The Light | Austin Macauley Publishers
Amidst The Darkness Appears The Light-bookcover

By: Yasmine Zeitoun

Amidst The Darkness Appears The Light

menu. 24 Pages Ratings:
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This book contains poetry and writings that talk about dark times and good times through Yasmine’s personal experiences and what she has witnessed in her life. There’s poetry about love, loneliness, depression, passion, and relationships. The writings are mostly philosophical, psychological, stoic, and vulnerably expressive due to human realities of pain, suffering, and tribulations, as well as determination of character and growth that comes after the fall or during someone’s life journey of personality development, self-knowledge, awakening, and taking care of all three: soul, mind, and body.


Yasmine has dedicated her life to the adornment of maturity,possessing and nurturing psychological insight, finding one’sself, and to beautifying people’s lives by helping those inneed, having meaningful conversations that are constructive,and by fostering a strong belief in acting and speaking out oflove. Accompanied by a passion for writing and art, in herown way, she engaged in writing full-time as much as she can.Her writings are meaningful to human growth, virtuous prosperity, and self-expression. As a poet, she explores themes of depression, loneliness, spirituality, love, passion,and life from her unique perspective.

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