Age Of Maturity: Secrets And Mysteries | Austin Macauley Publishers
Age Of Maturity: Secrets And Mysteries-bookcover

By: Dr.Rihab Alsalih

Age Of Maturity: Secrets And Mysteries

Health, Lifestyle & Fitness
menu. 42 Pages Ratings:
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In short, women’s lives are based on change, and the post-menopausal period is one of the topics that have been silenced. In this book, we will sail together to learn about the timeline of the menstrual cycle, as well as the potential changes and possible measures so that a woman can navigate peacefully through this important period of her life, which may last for 30 to 40 years.

Rehab Al-Saleh is a consultant in women’s health and obstetrics, an academic (faculty member), and a mother of two daughters and a son. She gained her scientific and practical experience from working in several Saudi cities, in both the government and private sectors, and is interested in the topic of quality of life during the period of menstrual cycle cessation.

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