A Conversation With My Romantic Friend | Austin Macauley Publishers
A Conversation With My Romantic Friend-bookcover

By: Dr. Mohammed Alkomey

A Conversation With My Romantic Friend

General Fiction
menu. 78 Pages Ratings:
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This is a conversation with my beloved friend, who sees pure love as the essence of life. To him, love is found in the meeting of souls, in tranquility, safety, and mercy, even amidst the uncertainties of life and the rarity of such connections.

For him, love is not tied to the physical; it transcends the boundaries of religion, language, and age. In the extraordinary beauty of pure love, we discover a force that unites us beyond differences.

Through their heartfelt reflections, my friend and his companion share the essence of pure love – a love that serves as a beacon, guiding us through life and illuminating even the darkest moments.

Dr. Mohamed El-Koumy, a member of the Egyptian Writers Union, has published the following works:

Reflections in the World of God series and Beyond the Forty Rules of Love series.

A poetry collection: To Her Eyes I Write, and Never to Another’s.

A prose poetry work: Peace Upon Those Eyes and Their Guardians.

Novels: The Flower Seller, Half-Moon Beach, The Saint and the Devil, and The Sunrise Oasis.

He has also translated various books into English, French, Italian, and Turkish.

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