How to Write an Engaging Sci-Fi Book: 7 Super-Tips to Follow

How to Write an Engaging Sci-Fi Book: 7 Super-Tips to Follow

Have you ever read a science fiction book so good you wish you were a part of it, playing the lead role, solving mysteries or battling aliens from outer space? If yes, then all of that is the genius of the writer. They are the ones making those characters, the intricate plot you so want to solve. A well-written science fiction book makes you mesmerized, and it compels you to marvel at the story. A brilliant author creates revolutionary sci-fi characters like Darth Vader from Star Wars, a legendary villain, and Marty McFly from Back to The Future, a charismatic protagonist.

Being an exceptional science-fiction writer requires inquisitive imagination, engaging plot development and extraordinary writing skills. Here, we will be sharing seven tips to enhance your writing skills to write a sci-fi read:

  1. Question Everything in Your Book

Every author has a particular way of planning out how to start a book. Some like to create a world initially and then fill it with characters. Some work on their character’s arc before focusing on the larger picture. You might be tempted to go with either of them. But in fact, it would be preferred to begin with both in parallel. Create your character arcs as you develop your world. Question everything about the characters and the world. Why is my hero sad all the time? Why is my world ruled by Martians? The more you answer your own questions, the better your plot and characters would develop.

  1. Take it One Book at a Time

This point needs to be noted if you are thinking about writing a science fiction book series. You must focus on one book at a time instead of worrying about what to do with the sequel. Develop your narrative logically in a way that maps the whole storyline together. Set small milestones for your book and develop characters, their motives, allies and foes with each stop (if necessary). Stop worrying about your next book because the readers are only interested in the book they would be reading currently.

If you wish to publish your very own book, submit your writing with us today and make it happen.


  1. Make the Characters and Story Relatable to the Readers

The best science fiction books have one thing in common: relatability. It shouldn’t mean your characters and story have to be stereotypical and monotonous. The characters should be innovative, have flaws and are not too overpowered. They should still connect to us, in some way or another. The readers can invest more into the book this way, and it makes for a thought-provoking read as well. The best sci-fi book characters like Dave Bowman from 2001: A Space Odyssey and Bo Dennis from Lost Girl, are all likeable and relatable characters.

  1. Unravel Your Main Lead’s Personality and Motives

Show the readers your main lead’s traits, motives and personality. A motive builds a path for moulding a strong main hero. This will, in turn, make for a good sci-fi book. Describe your hero’s every action. If he’s suffering from hysteria, what was the reason behind it? If your character wants to rob 100 million dollars from the bank, what is his motive? Be elaborate, use splendid adjectives and write with flair.

  1. Consistency is Key When Writing Science-Fiction

Consistency is essential when writing a science fiction novel. The gravest sin you could make while writing a sci-fi book would be to deviate from the rules set by yourself. Everything that flows in your story should make sense. You could develop the personality of your characters, change their motives halfway through, or even create alternative worlds if the storyline permits so. But you cannot insert illogical subplots and give irrational justifications for it. Stay within the rules of the universe your book is set in.

If you are confused about how to start your writing journey, have a look at our ‘How to Become An Author’ guide and find all the answers.


  1. Explore Different Places in Your Story

Nobody wants to read a sci-fi book set in the same mundane world as their own. Readers look forward to reading the opposite of that, they want to get mesmerized and awe-struck by the sci-fi world. They want to be swept away into the realms of sorcery and madness. Try creating a world a reader has never seen before. Remember Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory? I bet you’d never heard about a chocolate factory as huge and remarkable as that. Writing a sci-fi book depends on your imagination. Who knows, you might be the next J.K. Rowling!

  1. Write a Jaw-Dropping Climax

The best science fiction books blow their readers away with a brilliant climax. The climax is the midpoint of the book filled with tension, drama, speculation and thrill. As a reader, the climax is the most remembered aspect of the novel. For a sci-fi book, it’s even more important because the story has already gripped its readers and they are hungry for an impactful end. Some of the best climaxes keep you in a dazzled state for weeks. If the end of the book makes its readers go “WOW,” this means you’ve successfully written an impactful science fiction book.


We hope you learned something new to enhance your writing skills from our list of tips to write a sci-fi read. Good luck with writing your latest sci-fi book!

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