Tips and Tricks For an Organized Writing Career

Tips and Tricks For an Organized Writing Career

As a writer, it can be challenging to organize one’s writing career and be productive all the time. After all, there are so many distractions, and sometimes it can be hard to perfect balance to adjust writing and other tasks.

So if you’ve been wondering, what’s the best method to keep writing in line with other tasks? Why it’s so difficult to manage writing while juggling the obligations of daily life? Then read along to know all the answers and find solutions.

We’re pretty sure you’ll agree that not every writer can afford the luxury of opting for it as a full-time job and have to do more than write every day. So leave other things aside for a second; even if we only talk about writing, one needs to research, plan, and find the time to sit in a quiet space to let it out on paper.

The issue is:

Can you complete all of it without losing all your focus?

In this blog, we’ll share some organizing tips to create a more efficient writing career.

If you’re thinking of being a full-time writer, then you must have your reasons. You’ve always been a writer, and people always tell you that you have a gift for writing.

How do you tell if the timing is right or have the required skills?

We encourage you to get yourself involved in the art. However, if you’re looking to go pro, make sure that you’re aware of the risks you’re getting into. Writing full-time isn’t just an activity, a distraction, or a hobby. It demands discipline. It’s just like any other job.

And let us tell you that it’s not as simple as you might think.

Oh, but the benefits and satisfaction are unparalleled…

You Must Have a Dedicated Work Station

Let’s discuss your workspace first since you won’t be able to use these organizing techniques without having a space to start with! Even if you’re not an avid cleaner, it’s not easy to get much done in a space that is strewn with action figures, books, bills, papers, and knick knacks all over the place.

If you haven’t dedicated a spot yet, you need to create an office space that is tidy as well as free from clutter and distractions. It could be easier for you to accomplish or it can be challenging based on your personal life situation. While it could seem like a wonderful idea to relax on the beach and write, it’s always feasible to have a designated workspace to you use to work.

Capture Your Ideas When The Inspiration Strikes

It’s nice to be inspired, but it’s not a lot enjoyable when you’re faced with a deadline and can’t come up with anything to write. You can solve this issue by getting thoughts from your head and putting them in writing in a secure and easily accessible location. Our most favorite story of a writer who recorded things on paper is Roald Dahl. One time, Dahl found himself stuck in the middle of traffic and had a terrific idea that could be the basis for a story he was writing. He was concerned that he would forget his idea with no pen or notepad before he reached home. Dahl took off from the car, and using his fingers, he wrote “chocolate” into the dirt on his car. This was enough for Dahl to recall his concept, which later became Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

It’s now easier than ever to carry the notebook you need to keep to record ideas while on the move. You can use digital tools, such as an app for your smartphone, or purchase an inexpensive notebook that can fit into your pocket.

It’s Time to Get on Top of Your Unruly Research

As a serious writer, part of what you do is step outside of your comfort zone and then research to find the next thing. The Kindle simplifies research because it lets you highlight and add notes for the most important information you find. Using the Kindle Cloud Reader, you can browse books and locate your annotations quicker than if you were flipping through the pages of a paperback.

Evernote is a great tool for non-fiction writers as well. The app lets you label articles using terms such as “ideas,” “fiction,” or ‘copywriting,’ and anything else that comes up. If you’re looking for notes on a certain subject, it’s best to use Evernote with the tag relevant to your search, and it is like your instant personal library.

Minimize Distractions

Once you have your workspace, you must also make sure that you minimize any outside distractions. Also, based on the circumstances, it may be simpler to keep distractions at a minimum for certain than for other people. If you’re a mom, you’re aware of how challenging it is to leave the house to get work done or wait until your children are asleep to squeeze working without distractions.

You can check out these amazing tips on how you can squeeze in 4 hours per day to write.

Another method to reduce distractions is to invest in top-quality headphones that block noise.

No matter if you’re in the park or at your coffee shop of choice, it can be helpful to keep you organized and focused.

Let the Editor Walk Off the Room

You’re probably your worst critic. What do you think? If that’s the case, then you’re fired. Particularly when you’re in the early draft phase, you need to get the ideas down. Nothing will sabotage your flow, quite like the inner grammar hawk. Don’t fret about it if you realize you’ve made an error while writing your draft. It will be discovered later while you’re making edits.

Grammar, spelling, format, and templates are vital but not as vital as having something to say. Editing is a futile exercise if you don’t reach the finish line or if you never finish the sentence at all. Keep going and return to the process later.

Don’t Let Overworked About Writing Tools 

Digital writing tools of today might be effective, but you’ll devote more time searching for the ideal setup instead of writing. You need to remind yourself that Shakespeare or Tolstoy did just fine without computers or the internet.

Your writing tools on the internet are designed to help you write and are never more important than showing up putting in the sweat and tears. It’s a good idea to use as few tools as required and focus on improving your craft and forming connections with your readers.

Set Goals and Track Progress

Setting achievable goals can keep you focused and efficient. If you define your goals using steps and a timeline, you can manage your work more feasibly. Create both long and short-term goals, and add milestones on your calendar to ensure that you’re on the right track.

To ensure you reach your goals within the time you have set, be sure to keep track of your improvement. Monitoring your progress can assist you in identifying the time of day you are most efficient. You might, for instance, observe that you are more productive during the first few days of the week or in the morning. Based on this, you will know which days to focus on your most pressing tasks.

The best ways to track your progress include recording the time you worked, adding up the hours you spent on the project, and making time in your schedule to complete the tasks.

Pause and Refuel

Breaks are a great way to remain focused and productive. Breaks can keep you focused as you don’t overwork your body in a short amount of time. As a result, it is possible to be more productive for longer. In your breaks, go for a walk or grab a bite. Be sure to take your break from your workstation to reset your focus completely.

We hope that you enjoyed reading about our suggested tips and they will be useful to you. We wish you a successful writing career. Be a part of Austin Macauley by sharing your manuscripts here for review. You can also submit online by filling this Online Submission Form. Stay connected with Austin Macauley on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter for more updates.