Tips and Tricks For Being Good at Book Hauls

Tips and Tricks For Being Good at Book Hauls


What Exactly is a Book Haul?

A book haul happens when an individual who has (usually recently) bought books decides to post what they have purchased on any social platform. This could be shared via image posts or videos, and it is pretty common for bloggers and vloggers. In most cases, the blogger will present the books one at a time and talk briefly about each.

Book hauls are an excellent opportunity to find out about the latest books. It is possible to pick up books you’ve never known existed or get information about the book you already know but in such an intriguing way that it appeals to you. This is my absolute favourite aspect. It’s also an excellent method to keep track of the books that someone is reading since many people go through all of the books they’ve picked up in a short time. This is typically beneficial to those who don’t post about their TBRs. It’s also helpful to be aware of which books someone has to be able to gift them something, that means you don’t gift them something they already own. If you’re gifting someone a present, it could be pleasing for them to refer to you.

Top 10 Book Reviewers You Shouldn’t Miss

Below are some of the best book reviewers with epic book hauls and whatnot are not missed. If you want to know how they were able to make it happen, then read along to know some tips and tricks you can use to become successful as being a book reviewer.

  1. Shadow of a book – ظل كتاب
  2. Betaa El Kotob
  3. Akhdar
  4. Salefni Ketab or Lend me a book
  5. El Zatoona
  6. Khair Jalees
  7. Nedal Reads
  8. Eithar Al Dibs
  9. Menel Akher
  10. The Novelist

Consider Your Niche(s)

One method to stand out from other book reviewers on different social platforms is to create specific niches. If you concentrate your channel around a specific type of book or genre, you will likely develop a dedicated and specific audience quickly.

It is possible to focus on genres such as fantasy genre, romancesci-fi,  YA fictionmangamanhwachildren’s books, or mysteries. It is also possible to focus on non-fiction if that’s what you lean towards more.

You can also connect yourself to one particular author and be branded as the book blogger who reviews the most recent books of that author.

Strategise Your Content

If you’re looking to increase your reach as a book blogger, consider the type of content you’d like to release. You should think about SEO (search engine optimization). Many book bloggers fail to progress because they only organize book hauls or chat about random books. If you are posting on Instagram, for instance, you have to make sure that you’re using a variety of posts to make your feed look appealing. Posting too many static posts or videos in a row may not be the best strategy. Analyze what works best for your platform and do accordingly.

Let Your Personality Shine

You’ll notice that your subscriber counts begin to rise faster when you allow your personality to shine. This can help build the all-important parasocial connection. Your viewers will be able to enjoy your humour and become accustomed to your personality and quirks. It’s a great feeling.

Do you have kids or pets? Include them in your content and use their names often. It also helps your followers establish a relationship with you and your personal life.

Editing Skills Are a Must

You’ve got to ace your game when it comes to editing your posts and videos. Even if you’re posting a book haul on your website as a blog, making it attractive and cutting off unnecessary gibberish is the key to making people want to pay attention to it.

You’re free to make numerous mistakes and cause as many pauses as you want when recording. Editing is the other half of making a great video. Once you are at the editing stage, take out the ums and long interspersed pauses, and create the rhythm.

Retention of viewers is crucial! Therefore, make sure that your video is clear, swift, quick, and snappy. Create jokes, but make them short; stay within the rhythm of the video.

Get Creative

If you spend more time investing in editing posts and videos, you’ll be more imaginative. You’ll learn the zooming in and out feature, learn how to include text and effects, and how editing tricks can ensure that your jokes and comments stand out. Learn more; be imaginative with your editing. Look at ways to spice your posts and videos.

Most book bloggers adhere to the same structure, which is to make an image of their face talking to the camera. Therefore, be creative with edits and other effects that create something that your viewers can see and hear diverse.

Post Consistently

This is the simplest method to grow as a book-loving person on social media platforms, but it could be a challenge depending on your schedule and routine.

If you are able to post a minimum of one post or video each week consistently, you’ll see more growth on your channel. For example, people who subscribe to YouTube appreciate content that is regularly updated, and, most importantly, it is also the case with YouTube’s algorithm. The algorithm feared by many makes us do things we would instead not do in the interest of growing. Things like making clickbait titles, focusing on the most popular topics, and forcing us to update our content regularly.

Suppose you can consistently make and edit 10-20 minutes of video each time and upload new videos once or twice every week. In that case, you’ll experience more significant and consistent growth than other booktube channels.

Response to Comments

There are two motives for this: it’s an additional aspect that all platforms’ algorithms like and is an excellent way to connect with the community. Learn to get to know your regular commenters, interact with them, and respond to and like their comments. It’s good to have a community.

We hope that you enjoyed reading about our suggested tips and they will be useful to you. We wish you a successful career as a book reviewer.

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