Romance Books to Read This Season of Love

Romance Books to Read This Season of Love


Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and we all are in the mood for some steamy romance! Over the years, our amazing love stories from the romance genre have continued to awe the readers with their compelling characters, extraordinary plots, and sheer love oozing off of the pages. After all, it’s difficult to resist the heart-fluttering and ingratiating experience that comes from reading a good love story.

So this month of love is the high time to slip into a comfy outfit, lit some candles, munch on some chocolates and crank up the heat. If you’re as excited as we are to celebrate February 14th by immersing yourself in romantic novels, then we suggest that you grab these books asap. We assure you that you’ll fall in love with these fictional couples in our romance novels, and they will sweep you off of your feet in a heartbeat. These stories will remind you to keep fighting for the ones you love, the importance of being by their side, and that true love really is out there; only if you look hard enough, you’ll find it.

There are so many love stories to pick from, so how should you go about it? Well, we’ve put together our top 10 romance novels that you can check out this Valentine’s Day.

Achilles and the Colors of the Spectrum

If you’re a fan of Outlander series, then you’ll definitely love this book as it paces between different historical times. What happens when a Greek fighter from Alexander the Great’s army finds himself in front of a convoy at the end of the first Hijri century in the Arabian Peninsula? Little did he know he would find the love of his life through this leap in time and space. Will this unconventional love survive the test of time?


Sometimes in life, we are faced with such dire circumstances that it feels like the universe is against us. And the only thing that makes it bearable is the people who are by your side. Such is the story of Fadia. The readers meet Sami, who had everything but lost it in the blink of an eye. The only constant factor was her unwavering love. This tale of love is sheer magic that will make your heart melt.

I Am Just Like That

The book introduces the readers to Amira Salem, a renowned tennis player. Her father passed away when she was just a child, and the hole that her father left within her soul pushed her to be with someone who took advantage of her love and trust. Amira’s story is a reminder that no matter the amount of challenges and heartbreaks life throws our way, we’ve to keep fighting and find our way back.

Mr. Right?

When choosing a life partner, we often get overwhelmed and prioritize what society expects from us, that we undermine what we actually want. Sherifat Taiwo Osinowo beautifully portrays just that in this book. It centers around an innocent young woman named Zainab, a medical student ready to take one of the most crucial decisions of her life: selecting her Mr. Right. Set in the backdrop of southwestern African Yoruba tradition, the story emulates the influence of family and societal expectations, as women are expected to bring home a man after a certain age.

The Battle of Love

Most of the time, life does not turn out the way we expect it to be, and that’s exactly is the story of The Battle of Love. It revolves around people with big dreams, love, deceit, magic, and whatnot. What this book has in store for you is something you’ll never expect.

Through Brown Eyes

Sometimes, what our heart desires and what our culture permits us to do are two different things. Through Brown Eyes tells the story of an immigrant family and their nineteen-year-old daughter, Shama. She got caught up in a whirlwind of romance with Saleem as she accompanied her mother on a trip to Pakistan. What the future holds for her is not something she ever imagined.

To the One Whose Love Captivated Me

Reading a good book with a companion or lover creates an entirely new bond between two individuals. The two of you explore the story by sharing new characters, places, and even ideas. This is one of those books that stay with you long after you’ve finished reading it. It is the story that engraves its name on your heart and soul. It’s nothing but pure love oozing out of every word written on the pages of this book.

Single Mother

They were never meant to fall in love as he belonged to an aristocratic family, and she was from a fishing village. But, as strong as their love for each other was, life took them on their separate paths, only for them to meet again in the most unreal way.

Osaka Sunset

Thomas struggles to understand his heart. He embarks on a personal pilgrimage to Japan as he wants to practice spirituality instead of getting married, as his parents suggested. The change of scenery can be great for unwinding the mind; however, he has to revisit someone to find answers to things missing from his life, particularly love.

Lost In The Echo

It can be difficult to understand emotions and comprehend them. But what if you’re bestowed with the power to feel others’ emotions? Malikah is cursed by her enhanced ability for empathy, which enables her to feel people’s emotions. She immerses herself in the voices that echo through her head but then realizes that it’s not a curse but, in fact, the greatest blessing that life has offered her.

Arguably, romance novels are a great source of escapism from the existential drudgery of life with their intriguing plots, witty dialogue, and stunning details that keep one hooked. They are often so sultry and deep, taking the plunge into the whirlwind of human emotions, desires, and passion that one can’t help but take in all those feelings. Our books will serve you just that.

We hope that you’ll enjoy reading our suggested romance books this Valentine’s Day. Connect with Austin Macauley Publishers for more amazing recommendations. If you’re into romantic comedies, then make sure to check out these fantastic rom-com novels. Also, you can stay updated with our new releases and activities by joining our family of authors and readers on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.