Organize Your Bookshelf: 9 Cool Ways to Sort Your Personal Library

Organize Your Bookshelf: 9 Cool Ways to Sort Your Personal Library

It can be pretty daunting if you’re planning on how to organize your bookshelf for the first time. Many people spend loads of their time cleaning and setting up their houses. But when it comes to organizing bookshelves, they run out of ideas. The purpose of organizing a bookshelf is to help you find the book you are looking for swiftly.

Instead of stacking all the books randomly on the bookshelf, you should organize your books in a way that looks pretty. It should provide easy access to the book you want to read. Organizing bookshelves should not put you in a conundrum or riddle your brain. Choose a design that matches your surroundings, and above all, clicks your heart. It doesn’t matter if you arrange your books alphabetically, by genre, or by colour. Just make sure your bookshelf looks sleek and has easy access.

Whether you’re organizing your books for the first time or you’ve done it plenty of times, don’t worry about it. These refreshing ideas will help you organize your books in a better way. The organization of your books should be in a way that matches your style and works best for you.


  • Organize Your Books in Alphabetic Order

This is the most boring way of organizing your books, though it’s the most commonly used one. You can arrange your books alphabetically by title or by author. This method is useful if you own a large number of books and want to locate a book in an instant. It will give you a mini-library vibe right in your house.

  • Separate Your Books by Genre

You might have a great library of books ranging from different genres such as:

  • Romance
  • Fantasy
  • Science-fiction
  • History
  • Crime
  • Mystery

Separating them by genre is useful when you want the right book for your mood. If you want to unwind after a hectic day or, you’re travelling to the mountains, you’ll know where to find the perfect book.

  • Organize Your Books According to Colour

This the most aesthetically pleasing way of arranging your bookshelf. You don’t have to go crazy looking for the perfect colour match. Instead, you can group the books having the same colour shade. A visually appealing bookshelf not only makes you feel happy but encourages others to have a quick read as well.

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  • Chronological Order

Place the books according to the publishing date, or in order of the events that occurred. Although this takes a lot of time, bookish people are going to love it as they can easily locate books on the same subject. Another way would be to shelve them chronologically by the date you’ve read your books. This method will come in handy if you have a massive collection and want to remember which book you read first.

  • Set Your Books According to the Four Seasons

Does your bookshelf have four rows? If yes, then set your books according to the four seasons. Label each row as Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring. If a book contains beaches or cosy holiday towns, stack them on the Summer shelf. If a book is about Christmas eve or New-Year Night, put it on the winter shelf. This method would provide a much-needed nostalgia to your evening reads.

  • By Language

This one is for the multilingual readers out there. This could be your go-to style if you like reading books in different languages. Maybe you have a good collection of English, Arabic and French novels. You could organize your books starting with the language you enjoy reading the most. Follow it by the second most read, and so on.

  • Organize According to Size

It might be weird to look at books of every size stacked together on the bookshelf. Books arranged by size make your bookshelf look pretty and neat. Maybe you want to read that Marvel comic book of yours, or you’re in the mood for a Shakespearean melodrama. You would know where to find that book.

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  • Arrange According to Your Priority of Future Reading

What’s the point of having a bookshelf full of books you have already read. For a bibliophile, the TBR list never comes to a halt. They always have books on their shelves in line to be read. You might be looking forward to reading that particular book you have your eyes hooked on. So arrange your bookshelf according to the order you would be reading your books in the future.

  • Combination of ways!

If you own a plethora of books, and are at loggerheads, incorporating different styles in your book-organizing could be the way to go. This would make it easier for you to organize your bookshelf. Eventually, you would be able to set your books in several ways rather than just sticking with one.

  • Start your bookshelf with all the fiction titles.
  • Next, put all the books you received as presents or bought on sale on the second shelf.
  • On the third shelf, put all the books based on their colour.

We hope you all have a wonderful time arranging your bookshelves! Listen to your heart and let the organization flow smoothly. Also, never be afraid to tweak your bookshelf every once in a while. Changing now and often would keep your bookshelf fresh and modish.

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