How do you write a successful story?

How do you write a successful story?

Have you ever wondered how to write a novel or story? What are the methods and steps followed?
In this article, we will guide you, as a writer who wants to publish your first story or novel, with steps that have a positive impact to achieve what you aspire to, which is to produce the story or novel in its best form.
If you are an aspiring writer and want to become a published writer, this guide will help you.
Many of us may have a literary sense and some basic writing skills, but we do not know where to start. Writing is not an easy process. It requires a complete commitment from the writer in several methods and ways, and some advice that will help in producing the novel or story in the best way that attracts the reader.
First, let us learn about the concept of story. Story is an art of world literature, and the same concept exists in many past and present civilizations and nations. Usually, people gathering to hear stories is evidence of their love for this literary genre, which is full of different historical and imaginative tales.
There are two types of stories: fictional stories and true stories, which are a story derived from imagination, reality, or both.
In order to write a successful story, you must follow some instructions that we will list in the following lines.
As for the definition of the novel, it is also considered a type of world literature that is widely spread and desired by readers. It is a prose literary art written in a narrative style that is written in the form of a story.
In the following steps, we will review the most important points that will help you be a successful writer and write a successful story or novel.
1. The idea:
The idea is the essence of the story or novel. The idea must be chosen in a way that attracts the reader to it. All you have to do is read more in this field, such as reading long and short stories from world literature, as well as famous or translated novels from world literature. This will help you... Correctly structuring the story grabs the reader's attention.
The second piece of advice on how to choose an attractive idea is that after you have read a lot in this field, use the brainstorming technique. This technique is a must in order to filter ideas and select the best ones. This technique is used by most authors when they begin their project of writing a story or novel.
We have all read many stories, or heard stories from our ancestors. If you look back at these stories, you will find that you sometimes remember them through the names of the characters. Therefore, this element is very important in how to write a successful story, as the artistic construction of the story depends heavily on the characters, and in many stories you find the characters diversifying into two types: main and secondary characters.
Another piece of advice: Try to practice the brainstorming technique as well in listing the details of the characters, their characteristics, their names, etc.
There are many novels that have stuck in our minds and have become very popular among readers, and reading these novels will greatly benefit you in learning the narrative style of novels that have been successful.
2. The environment:
It is considered one of the main pillars of the completion of the story, and its presence is necessary. Because the event takes place there, and the characters in the stories also hover in its atmosphere. The environment is everything that is related to temporal or spatial reality.
The story may be in the past tense and begins to progress gradually from the past tense to the present or future. The sequence of chronological events in the novel is considered an attractive element for the reader.
The environment also helps us to reveal the characteristics of the characters that we will discuss in the subsequent steps, which adds a strong literary element to the structure of the story or novel.
3. The event:
It is one of the most important axes on which the story revolves, and its narration is shaped. The event can be written in three ways: the first method or the traditional method in which the storyteller narrates in a gradual manner from the beginning to the end.
As for the modern method, crises or problems are exposed, and the story begins from those crises, then returning to the past to narrate the story through the use of artistic methods such as memories of the past.
The flashback method is for the event to begin at the end, then the storyteller retells the novel from the beginning, by mentioning its details with reference to them.
One of the most important elements that must be present in a narrative event is the element of suspense, which will keep the reader’s mind occupied with what will happen later.
4. The plot:
It is a common term in novels and stories, and it is also called (knot), which is incidents that make the story connected to each other to show the narrative sequence.
It is planning something intended so that the reader reaches a certain result.
There are two types of plot, disjointed plot and connected plot.
The components of the plot are:
• the offer.
• Rising event.
• Peak.
• The descending event.
• For a solution or conclusion.
5. Narration:
One of the most important skills that a writer must possess is the ability to communicate with readers in a more effective way to achieve a specific goal. The writer must write a text that can keep the reader hooked until the last page. Many writers write between the lines using several methods that combine Entertaining, narrative, fantasy style...etc.
If you are an aspiring writer and would like to publish your book, Austin Macauley Publishers offers you this opportunity. All you have to do is fill out the online application form
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