How do you publish your book with Austin Macauley Publishers?

How do you publish your book with Austin Macauley Publishers?

Austin Macauley House began its journey with the aim of providing a suitable environment for male and female authors, enabling them to showcase their talents and skills to the whole world.
There is no path to success that does not include many obstacles, and it requires hard work to overcome them. Completing a task sometimes seems impossible, and losing hope is easy, but Austin Macauley Publishing offers many opportunities that motivate male and female authors, both professional and new. To overcome their obstacles, to put their feet on the path to success, we guide our authors and support them in every step of publishing and marketing, with professionalism and high quality of production.
Austin Macauley has published a huge number of books that have appealed to the public, such as children's books, suspense books, thriller novels, and others, and she is proud of the many wonderful titles she has produced.
As the Austin Macauley team expanded, there was an intention to prepare for more projects, and to expand the scope of providing its services to a larger and larger number of male and female authors around the world.
Achieving your dream of writing takes hard work and patience, and in this article, we provide you with a step-by-step guide that will show you how to publish with Austin Macauley Publishing.
Here are the steps needed to become an author and publish your book through Austin Macauley Publishing:
1. Searching for and searching for sources of inspiration.
Don't sit there waiting for inspiration to come to you; You have to chase him. Read writers whose books you enjoy, read and re-read and never get bored, go out and meet a lot of people, visit places that can inspire you, keep a notebook and pen with you at all times; Write down any idea that comes to you, and write down the ideas in the form of a list of points.
Some people get inspiration through events in their normal lives, and this is wonderful. We all have wonderful role models and wonderful lives. Consider writing another version of yourself. Write about the life you wish to live. Such as adventures, real-life events, and your interests. Write about a hero whose life events inspire your personality or the person you want to be. Inspiration is everywhere. All you have to do is look and observe things around you carefully.
2. Writing
The moment you catch inspiration, sit down and start writing.
• Write a summary of the book:
Write a summary of the beginning, the end, and all major events and titles
• If you are writing a novel, write all the details about the characters in the novel, write about their lives, their personalities, and everything you want to convey to the reader.
• Continue writing until you finish.. Be persistent.. Sometimes; Writers find it difficult to concentrate, and anything may confuse their thoughts. There are some writers who have become desperate to complete their novel and have not forgotten to finish it. If you want to become a serious writer; Just keep writing until the end.
• Do not write in flowery language, and stay away from specialized vocabulary. Use commonly used language so that it is easily understood..
• Do not write to impress your readers. Readers like to feel connected to events and to the book itself, so do not stop writing no matter what happens.
3. Review
The first draft you write will not be of great quality, and it will need a lot of revision to become a tight and disciplined draft, as you will find that you have made a lot of grammatical, spelling, and grammatical errors, and there may be some important things that you forgot to mention... That's okay, this is normal. Just review the draft and try to modify it for the better as much as possible.
Give the draft to someone to read, and try to edit after taking their feedback. The more writing is revised, the fewer errors it will contain.
4. Submit your manuscript to Austin Macauley Publishers
Once your manuscript is finished, it's Austin Macauley Publishers' turn,
the fastest-growing publishing house of 2018.
When you send us the manuscript; We will work on the written texts, bring out the best texts, and make the book resonate in the market.
Sending the manuscript to Austin Macauley is very easy. All you have to do is send the manuscript by mail or e-mail, or by sending the manuscript through our website using the electronic form. Just fill in the blanks with the required information and attach the manuscript.
After you submit the manuscript, it will take approximately three weeks for Austin Macauley to review it by a specialized committee, after which you will be contacted via email. If the book is approved, a contract will be sent to you to sign with the publishing house.
The best and most popular method of publishing is hybrid publishing, and you may be offered a traditional contract or a syndication contract. Austin Macauley Publishers enthusiastically welcomes new authors.
5. Participate in the production of your book
The most exciting stage is in the production stage, where the coordinator works to guide you through every stage that the book’s production goes through. Your book goes through more than one stage; Among them are: revision, design, development, animation preparation, and marketing.
Austin Macauley's wonderful team, in its various departments, works with all seriousness and professionalism to transform your manuscript into a successful book, and the writer's notes are taken into account. At this stage, your dream is realized and the book you dreamed of is produced.
6. Enjoy marketing events
Be prepared to be the centre of attention...
Austin Macauley Publishing's books are marketed with a carefully thought-out plan, ensuring they target the right audience.
Austin Macauley organizes many events for writers, such as book readings, book signings, television and radio interviews, and much more to promote the book. These events are also mentioned on our website and social media pages. Until the writer's electronic appearance is consolidated.
7. Earnings stage
Austin Macauley Publishing provides its writers with sales and profit reports twice a year, and the finer details are listed in these reports. Every six months, a profit report is received from your book.

Austin Macauley Publishers – “Where Every Great Story Begins.”
submit your manuscript to Austin Macauley Publishers