How do publishing houses contribute to preserving the Arabic language?

How do publishing houses contribute to preserving the Arabic language?

The Arabic language is considered one of the most ancient and oldest languages in the world, if not the oldest at all. It is a language distinguished by its greatness and uniqueness from other languages, because of its miraculous and wonderful words and synonyms, and the diversity of vocabulary. It surpasses most of the ancient and contemporary languages of the world with its eloquence, accuracy, and the abundance of its words and vocabulary. . It is the sacred language of all Muslims, for in it God revealed the Noble Qur’an, and with it he challenged the Arabs to whom it was revealed, and incapacitated them with the language of this Qur’an, which is strong in its construction, unique in its words, and exquisite in its literature.
Today, it is one of the most important languages approved in all international forums, including public institutions and international organizations, the most important of which is the United Nations.
To combine all the above-mentioned data, publishing houses pay attention to this great language, devoting special importance and care to it. Austin Macauley PublishersHouse is aware of the keenness of Arabs and Muslims as a whole to preserve their language and the language of their religion, by which they pray and worship, and by which they preserve their history and their religious, cultural, and social heritage and many other levels. Therefore, Austin Macauley keeps in mind the importance of contributing to the preservation of this language, and this is achieved in many ways. Several, the most important of which are:
• Encouraging publishing in the Arabic language, motivating Arab writers and Arabic speakers to write in this unique language, and providing the maximum types of facilities that remove obstacles that stood in the way of broadcasting and publishing their Arabic writings, and distributing them throughout the world.
• Because of the strength, durability, and sobriety of this language in its grammar and morphology, Austen Macaulay chose her linguistic auditors with great care, and was careful to ensure that their specializations varied, between a grammatical specialist, a literary specialist, and a cultural technician.
• Providing purely Arabic websites and platforms that help Arab and even non-Arab writers who love the Arabic language and are interested in writing and writing in it, to present their works and direct them systematically to the Arab world in particular, and the Islamic world in general, and from there to the whole world.
• Austin Macauley participates in Arab events, celebrations, exhibitions, and events that celebrate the Arabic language diligently and continuously.
• Paying attention to all staff working within Austin Macauley House, and ensuring their linguistic and cultural competence, so that they are at the level that rises to dealing with the Arab writer, writer, thinker, researcher, poet, and novelist, and creating a chemistry of understanding between the employee and the client.
This enchanting language captivated the hearts of many orientalists and perplexed their minds, which prompted them to flirt with it. We cite, but are not limited to, the sayings of some of them in the Arabic language:
German Orientalist Sigerd Hoenke 1913-1990:
“How can a person resist the beauty, sound logic and unique charm of this language? The Arab neighbours themselves in the countries they conquered fell under the magic of that language. The people who remained in their religion rushed into this trend and spoke the Arabic language with passion, to the point that the Coptic language, for example, died completely. In fact, the Aramaic language forever gave up its position, and its place was occupied by the language of Dhad. .
Frenchman Ernest Renan 1823-1892:
“One of the strangest astonishments is that this national language sprung up and reached the point of perfection in the middle of the deserts of a nomadic nation, that language that surpassed its sisters in the abundance of its vocabulary, the accuracy of its meanings, and the good organization of its constructions, and it was not known for it in all the stages of its life, whether childhood or old age.”
Frenchman Jacques Burke 1919-1995:
“The strongest forces that resisted French colonialism in Morocco are the Arabic language, and indeed the Classical Arabic language in particular, as it is what prevented Morocco from assimilating into France. It is Arabic classicism that crystallized Algerian originality, and this Arabic classicism was a strong factor in the survival of the Arab peoples.”
  German Johann Feck 1894-1974:
“The might of the immortal Arab heritage has proven to be stronger than any attempt intended to dislodge classical Arabic from its dominant position, and if the signs are correct and the evidence is not mistaken, Arabic will retain this immortal position as the language of Islamic civilization.”
William Mercier 1872-1956:
“The Arabic phrase is like a lute. If you pluck one of its strings, all the strings ring and beat, and then the language moves in the depths of the soul, beyond the limits of direct meaning, in a procession of emotions and images.”
Language and its development are considered the basis for the development of any civilization. Preserving the Arabic language is essential. If the language dies and knowledge of it becomes weak, it will be difficult for us to transfer our heritage to future generations so that they can follow and complete the path that every nation aspires to reach.
If we notice throughout history that the decline of any civilization came from the decline of the language in it, then we must work to employ the Arabic language in all aspects of life, from administrative institutions, educational institutions and also the field of publishing, for publishing houses to publish books in Arabic from various literary genres. And scientific. In the United Arab Emirates, many initiatives have been launched to enhance and preserve the status of the Arabic language, and Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum confirmed that in “Emirates Vision 2021” the country aspires to be a leading center of excellence in the Arabic language.
The state has worked to introduce initiatives to develop the language for various generations, and one of these initiatives is the “Arab Reading Challenge,” which targets the young and tweens in our societies to encourage them to read.
Among the sayings of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid about the Arabic language is that he said: “The Arabic language will remain the language of the future, science and innovation, due to its flexibility that has made it a historical role in different civilizations.”
What makes us admire the attention that the United Arab Emirates pays to preserving the Arabic language and returning it to its great position among languages.
In connection with the issue of the Arabic language, the language of the Qur’an, and the incubator of Islam, Austin Macauley does not miss a great occasion, which is the advent of the Hijri New Year, as the Islamic world celebrates the Hijri New Year, and there is no doubt that this occasion is considered one of the important occasions for Muslims, as it reminds them of the migration of their Prophet. The Most Honorable Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, from Mecca to Medina, who migrated in Rabi’ al-Awwal, but the month of Muharram was considered the beginning of the Hijri year, as it was in it that the determination and intention to migrate was made.
The Arabs knew the names of the months, but they did not count the years, until Omar bin Al-Khattab established the date based on the recommendation of one of the companions, and from it began the Islamic Hijri dating, so the counting began with the first year, which is the year of the Prophet’s migration.
There is no doubt that the calendar is something that benefited the peoples and civilizations before Islam, and those that lived with it. Therefore, it was very important and useful for Muslims to develop a calendar for them, after they had a reliable entity. It was necessary to follow all paths of progress and development, and the calendar is one of these ways.
Austin Macauley Publisherstakes the opportunity to congratulate all Muslims and wish them a happy Hijri year, and may it be the year their wishes come true.
We will now leave you with some interesting books that will provide you with information about the language or work to strengthen your language concepts.
  Levels of discourse
  Dr. Iman Ismail Al-Thawadi
In this wonderful book, you will learn about the sacred hadiths linguistically and idiomatically. The main goal of the book is to analyze the language of the holy hadith according to the grammatical, lexical, and semantic levels of discourse.
You can get the book through the link:

  Language planning and policies in the Baltic countries: Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia to the author
This book conveys to us the experience of linguistic planning in the Baltic countries (Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia), and explains the concept of linguistic policy, and also explains the most important means of building linguistic planning.
The author tells us how these countries dealt with their national and foreign languages?
Speaking of the Arabic language, this book explains to us ways to benefit from the experiences of the Baltic countries in planning for the Arabic language.
You can get the book through the link:

  The bilingual revolution
  Fabrice Chaumont

The author has put his expertise to the service of communities in the United States of America by helping them develop bilingual programs in public schools.
Bilingual education in schools will benefit the student, society and the country as a whole.
To read this really interesting book, you can purchase it from the link

  The scripts
  Haitham Muhammad Al-Barghash Al Rais, Saad Abdul Aziz Al-Zeer

“Muslims” by authors Haitham Muhammad Al-Barghash Al Rais and Saad Abdul Aziz Al-Zeer
This book is an educational book that talks about the Arabic language and its beauty. It will benefit every reader in learning new words in the Arabic language that you may not have heard of before. You can read the book through the link

  An interview with Al-Mutanabbi
  Abdullah Al-Hammad
“A Dialogue with Al-Mutanabbi” by Abdullah Al-Hammad
In this book, the author attempts to attract new generations to the treasures of valuable books from our heritage left on library shelves, which may open the door to creative ideas to change the reality in which we live.
The book contains poetry and many powerful Arabic words and terms that will increase the readers’ ability to acquire new meanings.
You can purchase book B through the link

In conclusion, we would like to focus on the importance of the Arabic language and preserving it from loss, and paying attention to Arabic writings, old and new, so that we can work to raise a generation of readers who adhere to their strong language. Let us restore the glories of the Arab nation. We must work together, as it is the duty of every one of us, to prepare a generation that is linguistically and scientifically proficient.
If you are an aspiring writer and want to publish your book and are working to contribute to the preservation of the Arabic language, Austin Macauley Publishers is pleased to cooperate with you. All you have to do is send a draft of your book from
here, or you can fill out the electronic submission form through the link.
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