Eid and Books – The Perfect Combo

Eid and Books – The Perfect Combo

Eid-ul-Fitr is the blessed festivity that every Muslim around the world celebrates after completing the holy month of fasting i-e Ramadan.


This Eid is a gift from Almighty Allah to his people for successfully fasting for a month. Eid is not just a worldly festival, but its significance is purely spiritual. It is the occasion of family gettogether, friends’ hangouts and taking care of the less privileged. This Eid is also known for the distribution of sweets among family members and neighbors.

But what will you do once all the family meeting and greeting is done? Have you considered picking up a book? We thought to make your Eid day interesting by sharing some of our top books!

1. Happiness: Get It, Keep It, Oh… and, Enjoy It by Dr. Louise Lambert

This book is true to its title. Urging people to understand the science behind happiness and contentment. The book has a practical workbook that lets you know how to implement strategies to lead a happy life.

Each strategy is simple, to the point, and can be done right in this book. All are referenced straight from the research literature, so you can be sure you are getting the best from the science of happiness and can successfully achieve a better version of you!

2. Green Leave of A Dry Trees by Zakia Hashim Basri

A spiritual read that helps you to unfold the deep meanings of one’s life.

We go through many phases in our life; some phases are easy to pass and enjoyable, with others hard to even imagine. But when we investigate the chaotic box of our life and try to untie the anchors of events, we find that Allah had a reason for allowing things to happen.

The book suggests that it is still not late to re-arrange the box of your life according to Allah’s will.

3.The Knowledge and The Concept of Creation Between Heritage and Modernity by Abdulrahman Omar Faheel Elbum

The author of the book has tried to bring the essence of our Islamic values and heritage back by negating the misleading publications based on superstitions. This book offers a brilliant comparison of Heritage and Modernity.

4.Heading East by Abdulla Nasser Sultan Alameri

An amazing book that takes you to another world. A refreshing breeze for those who have taste in journey oriented books. The storytelling approach flows from the strangers telling their tales to the reigns of sultans, the history of knights and vanished cities whose heroes are still alive in books. Explore what the gate holds on the other side of the world.

5.Friends’ Pact by Mona Mohammed Alnaqbi

The strong bonding of the friends is sometimes shaken through unforeseen incidents but only a few friendships survive and last forever. This book is a combination of thriller and adventure about friends who are destined to meet exuberant incidents in their lives. Would their friendship remain intact? Find out in Friends’ Pact.


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