Celebrate Islamic New Year 2023 the Right Way

Celebrate Islamic New Year 2023 the Right Way

Muslims worldwide will bring in the new year on July 28th, when the new crescent of the moon will be sited. This will signal the first day of the Islamic month, Muharam. Many do not know why this month is essential to the Islamic faith and how Muslims worldwide celebrate the beginning of the New Year or what is known in Arabic as the Hijri New Year.

In Islam, Islamic months signify a unique and vital milestone for Muslims worldwide. Each month in the Islamic calendar brings opportunities for Muslims to renew their faith in the Almighty.

This guide not only explains what the Islamic lunar calendar is, but it also suggests five great ways you can join in celebrating Islamic New Year with your Muslim friends and family.

What is Islamic New Year and the Lunar Calendar?

The lunar calendar signifies the important Islamic holidays and religious events, while the Gregorian calendar is what most countries run administrative matters under. The Lunar calendar is about 15 days shorter than the Gregorian calendar.

Islamic countries worldwide are therefore running on two calendars governed by two different celestial bodies. They make things run seamlessly by combining both and making sure to note critical Islamic holidays on Gregorian calendars.

It is important to note that even though many important Islamic lunar holidays can be determined beforehand, the Islamic faith requires Muslims to physically site the moon to signify the beginning of an Islamic holiday. This sometimes causes conflict between what is marked on the Gregorian calendar, and so many Gregorian calendars use the phrase ‘or determined by moon sighting’ when adding an Islamic holiday that is marked on the calendar.


5 Ways You Can Celebrate Islamic New Year with Friends & Family

If you are looking for ways to celebrate the new Islamic New Year, then you are not alone. Many Muslim families want to mark the date and involve their children to learn about the beginning of the New Year and Muharam.

Below is a list of great ways you can start some new traditions in your family and invite your friends to participate as well:


1.     Learn How the Lunar Calendar Came About

A great way to start the Islamic New Year is to learn how the Muslim calendar started. Hazrat Umar initiated the practice of establishing a calendar so that Muslims could organise all of their religious activities. The first year of the calendar is 622 C.E., an essential year for the Muslim faith. There are various videos and interesting documentaries you can watch to learn more.

2.     Learn about Muharam

Muharam is the first month of the Islamic New Year and an important one. Learning about why is one of the few months when Muslims are not allowed to engage in warfare and are instructed to engage in family time and reflection. The month of Muharam is a time when Muslims can attend sermons and religious gatherings that mark the ten days of Ashura. Muslims fast the 10th of Muharam because Moses (Musa AS) was saved from the Pharoah this day. And they fast the 9th to contradict the Jews fasting.

3.     Learn the 12 Islamic Months

Create flashcards of the 12 months that you can learn with your children. This is a fun way to help children learn the names of the months and a lot of fun. For older kids, add interesting facts at the back of each card that took place in that specific month. You can make it even more competitive by creating teams and keeping a treat for each team that can get the correct answers.

4.     New Year Resolutions

We always make New Year resolutions but what about Islamic resolutions? The New Year is a great time to reflect on what you have accomplished during the past year concerning your devotion to the Almighty. Why not create a list of ways you can do better this year? This is a great practice and something you can do as a family. Have everyone sit around and read their resolutions aloud to inspire everyone to share.

5.     Islamic New Year Greetings

Why not get the younger kids involved in creating cute little Islamic New Year greetings you can deliver to your neighbours and loved ones? You can find some easy-to-use templates here. With a pair of scissors, some markers and construction paper, you can create something that will keep your kids busy, and others will appreciate.


Islamic New Year 2023 – New Beginnings

The Islamic New Year 2023 will be marked as a new beginning for Muslims around the world. It signifies a year close to our final destination but also another opportunity to decrease our distance from Allah. We can participate in activities that will bring us closer to our Maker and reflect on the past 12 months.

Knowing that we can rely on our family and friends to support and motivate us to do better is always essential. Share your struggles with others and learn how they overcome their struggles to build a closer relationship with the Almighty.


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