Books and Activities to Relish International Day of Families

Books and Activities to Relish International Day of Families


On May 15, International Day of Families is observed across the world. Family is the fundamental social unit. This day is a chance to bring awareness to family issues and increase understanding of the economic, social, and demographic changes that impact families.

In 1993, the General Assembly decided in a resolution (A/RES/47/237) that May 15 every year be recognized as The International Day of Families. The day offers a chance to increase awareness of families’ concerns and increase knowledge of the socio-economic and demographic factors that affect them.

2022 Theme: Families and Urbanization

Urbanization is among the major megatrends that are shaping our world and the lives and wellbeing of families across the globe.

Sustainable urbanization is tied to the accomplishment of a variety of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and targets, for instance, SDG-1 (Poverty elimination) and SDG-3 (Good wellbeing and health) as well as SDG-11 (Make cities and human settlements more inclusive as well as safe, resilient and sustainable) and SDG-10 (Reduce the gap between and within nations). The SDGs and the targets are contingent on how well urbanization is managed to benefit families and improve the wellbeing of everyone living in cities.

The theme for this year, “Families and Urbanization,” will help educate people about the need for environmental sustainability and family-friendly urban policy.

Bonding Activities to Celebrate International Day of Families

International Day of Families is a chance for families to get together and discuss the various areas of importance and interest to families. It’s an opportunity to spend time with your loved ones and appreciate the ones you are blessed with that are extended and close to you.

This year, International Day of Families is about the role that family members play in promoting education and the overall wellbeing of their families. We at Austin Macauley consider family to be more than the family you were born into, but also your extended relatives, your friends, and even your pets. Our definition of family is where you feel the most comfortable and secure.

To celebrate this special day, we’ve put together five bonding activities to do in the home. Make this day special in your family by using a variety of hands-on activities that show your kids how amazing their families are.

Create a Family Tree

Family trees are an excellent way to encourage your family members to learn how they have a relationship with each other. To make personalized trees, you can ask your child to sketch or draw a tree drawing. Once they are finished, hand them a variety of sticky post-it notecards to let them write their names and the names of family members.

Sing “We Are Family With Your Family

The song, We Are Family, is a perfect option to mark this special day, and there’s even a Chimpmuk version for the kids’ that is guaranteed to bring a smile to their faces! It is possible to play the song to introduce the subject and concept of families and have your pupils sketch outlines in the lyrics.

Play Guess Who

Everyone loves this game, and it is a fantastic way to encourage students to talk. Each member is assigned one family member. Then ask the participants to describe a family member to their partner in the best way they can. Challenge them to identify the family member’s name through the provided description. Isn’t that cute?

Create a Family Garden

Take a break in the sunshine and start your family’s garden. Children are spending longer indoors in recent years, so help your family connect by digging up a garden to puddle flowers or plants in your garden. Teach them how to cultivate, nurture and preserve their life which is a valuable skill that kids and adults can master alike. It is important to teach them about environmental preservation through such activities and the significance of planting trees. They’ll enjoy working with their hands while learning to persevere and be patient by completing tasks like making sure the garden is weed-free and well-watered. This way, your child will beautifully learn the pleasures of gardening or even how to cultivate your own food.

Make a Family Dinner Together

Home is the place where your heart is, and there is nothing more evocative of home than your family’s kitchen. It’s where families can gather together to eat delicious meals while having a good time. Research has shown that children who eat in their homes with families are less likely to be diagnosed with depression or develop an eating disorder. Additionally, having regular discussions during meal times is linked to improved communication between parents and children and increased confidence. Make the most of this day to come up with ideas with your children and make memories that last throughout the years.

Tell Family Stories

The family stories you tell are unique as everyone has a different family history. The act of sharing past and contemporary family stories will bring the entire family closer and create a timeless bridge between generations. On this day, sit in the living room with your family and share the most stories about your family’s past. The more detail you can add, the more rich and fascinating it gets for those who are listening! Your family members will not only be fascinated by stories about their great-grandparents, but they will be able to cherish the memories they will never forget.

Backyard Camping

Another excellent method to get the whole family outside is arranging an enjoyable night of backyard camping. While holidays are always a wonderful bonding time, you might be surprised at how excited your children are over the idea of camp in their very own backyard. Backyard camping can be a wonderful and family-friendly activity for everyone and even pets! All you require is a tent, pillows, blankets, and snacks, and you’re ready to go. Look over this list of backyard camping essentials to get more ideas.

Make Your Own Obstacle Course

If you’re feeling brave, why not make an obstacle course in your own home? Put together a few chairs to jump over, crawl underneath, move the chairs around to make obstacles, or create tunnels from rugs, and you’re ready to go. Kids are thrilled when parents and kids join in because they usually don’t get to witness you having fun or releasing that child in you!

Books to Celebrate International Day of Families

Books are a fantastic way to assist the younger generation to be more focused on particular topics and make them come alive. Here are some of our fantastic books you can read with your family this International Day of Families.

  1. A Human Without Colors
  2. A Thug in the Corridors of the Past
  3. All Pleasures
  4. Almost Dead Thoughts
  5. Back in Time
  6. After Maturity
  7. Dream of a Veiled Woman
  8. Age and Ink

We hope that you enjoyed reading about our suggested tips to celebrate the International Day of Families, and they will be helpful to you.

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