How Book Marketing Helps Authors Reach Their Target Audience

How Book Marketing Helps Authors Reach Their Target Audience

If you take a look around you, everyone is using the internet. Whether for work, surfing the web, playing games, or just watching Netflix shows. Digital media channels, social media, and search engines are popular than ever before. Every industry is pulling up its socks to be the best. As far as the book publishing industry is concerned, it’s certainly not staying far behind the rest. In the world of the publishing industry, book marketing is a potent tool for generating book sales.

With the influx of new marketing and book promoting trends, the publishing industry has started moving towards the digital medium for book promotions and marketing. However, this does not mean physical means of promotion are abandoned. For the publishing industry, it’s a matter of placing physical marketing and digital marketing side by side, make them coexist and have a cross-channel strategy. Over the past few years, this has resulted in a new marketing strategy for the book publishing industry.

Here, we will share innovative principles of marketing through which Austin Macauley Publishers promote their authors.


1. Social Media Marketing

Austin Macauley Publishers promotes authors and their books on all major social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and YouTube. Readers are constantly using social media. This medium provides the highest potential for an author to grab the attention of potential readers. Social media is a platform for authors to exchange opinions, interact with other authors, and get in touch with booksellers. Our goal is to reach out to as many readers around the globe through our social media strategies.


2. Email Marketing

Email marketing is a high-performing way of promoting a book through digital mediums. Unlike generic emails that are less effective, we focus on personalized emails that target a specific group of people. The reasons why email marketing is so beneficial to grabbing the customers’ attention are:

  • Book marketing through personalized messages for each recipient.
  • It is a cost-effective method that reaches wider audience.
  • Mobile devices allow everyone to check their emails quickly.
  • Converts onlookers into buyers more than any other channel.

We analyze the consumer behaviour, demographics, and characteristic before we hit the send button! In this way, our authors’ books will be promoted in an optimal way, reaching out to potential book buyers.


3. Book Reviewers & Influencers

The number of influencers on social media platforms, especially Instagram, are monumental. The phenomenon of influencers has now consolidated the world of books as well. Many influencers are now offering book marketing services. Austin Macauley reaches out to top influencers and micro-influencers to request book reviews. Small-scale influencers have a more loyal fanbase even though their following is not as high as the top influencers. Influencers adopt numerous book marketing techniques, which benefits the sales of books. If a book gets critically acclaimed, it is bound to receive recognition and fame from the mass community of readers. After getting a book published, we make sure that our author’s book reaches the right influencer and book reviewer for reviews.


4. Author Websites

With more and more people getting connected through the internet, authors should have a website of their own. An author website can serve as a robust tool for book marketing, showcasing news, blogs, upcoming events, and anything related to an author’s personal brand. Austin Macauley Publishers provides authors with their own personalized website so that they can keep the readers posted on their book signing events, news, and anything else they would want to share with them. After all, a website acts as a central hub for book promotions and provides a communication channel to interact with the fans.


5. Blogs

The chances are that a person who loves to read books reads blog articles too. Our content writers are tasked to create engaging and attention-grabbing blogs that promote the books of our authors. Our blog articles are SEO optimized and enriched with keywords, making them rank better on the search engines. This can benefit the reach and popularity of books. The goal of blog articles is to create a buzz around the reading community. It helps promote the book across various channels, more so if it’s being shared across numerous social media platforms.


6. Ebook Marketing

Ebooks are a cost-effective and easily accessible alternative to paperbacks and hardbacks. Apart from publishing physical forms of books, we also focus on ebooks that cater to a large section of the online book community. Through eBook marketing, we want to widen the reach of our books through digital platforms where readers can access them with just one click. We even send ebooks to influencers which can also help the author get more mileage. Ebooks marketing helps establish a loyal fanbase that would keep waiting for more of your content.


7. Book Fairs & Virtual Events

It’s a universal truth that every book lover feels at home when surrounded by books. Book fairs are literary events that entice the readers. They look forward to it throughout the year. As book publishers, we participate in various international book fairs and events attended by tens of thousands of people to showcase our books. They provide an amazing platform to connect with readers from all over the world. Many authors attend these book fairs, getting a chance to interact with their fans and other authors, media houses and business giants. Over the years, exhibitors have benefited the most from book festivals and events. Our purpose in participating in book festivals is to give our authors a chance to display their literary work and learn from industry specialists. Some of the book festivals that we have been a part of include:


8. Author Interviews & News Features

Getting your book promoted through radio stations, news channels, and media stations is always great. Austin Macauley Publishers assists their valuable authors in arranging radio interviews, talk sessions with vloggers, and getting featured on the news. Hundreds of our decorated authors have promoted their books by getting featured in newspapers and magazines. In personal interviews, authors share bits and pieces of their lives to build an emotional connection with the readers and listeners.


9. Partnership with Leading and Indie Bookstores

People who love reading books relish visiting bookshops and getting lost in the magical world of books. Bookstores offer a medium for readers to come and get their favourite books in no time. Austin Macauley Publishers have partnered with various leading and Indie bookstores globally, and now most of our books are stocked in these stores!


Our partner leading online bookstores include:

  1. UAEBook
  2. DXB Book
  3. Noon
  4. Amazon
  5. Jamalon
  6. Neelwafurat
  7. Platinum Bookstore
  8. Dubai Library Distributors
  9. Keef Book
  10. Jarir Reader
  11. Book Delivery
  12. Abjjad
  13. Sanad Books
  14. The Bookshop Library
  15. Virgin Megastore


Our brick-and-mortar bookstores include:


  1. Readers Bookstore – Jordan
  2. Booktopia
  3. Knowledge Book Center – Egypt
  4. The Elite Bookstore – Egypt
  5. Alexandria – Egypt
  6. The Reader’s Corner – Egypt
  7. Dar Al-Jenan – Amman, Jordan
  8. BookLand Bookstore – Bahrain
  9. Platinum Bookstore – Kuwait (Both online and bookstore)
  10. Kinokuniya Bookstore – Dubai Mall
  11. Al Ummah Bookshop


If you are an aspiring author and want your work to be published, choose Austin Macauley, as we are one of the top hybrid publishers in the UK, US and UAE. You can submit your manuscript with us by clicking here. You can also send it online by filling our online submission form.


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