Best Career Options for Book Lovers

Best Career Options for Book Lovers

Maybe you’ve recently completed your degree in English Literature or Creative Writing. Perhaps you’re considering changing careers and pursuing a career that requires more reading. Maybe you’re already spending most of your day reading and are thinking about how you could do this and still purchase groceries. The good news is that there’s no need to starve in a room filled with new hardcovers. There are jobs available in the field of books! We’re not saying that all of these industries are simple to get into, but there are some fantastic career options for people who love reading.

Before you dive through the list of jobs for readers, be cautious about what you wish for. The most rewarding careers options for those who love books could be those that don’t require reading books. Consider if working with books for a long time will make you lose the fascination of their appeal. However, if you believe that you’re the type of person for whom the bell for a book job rings, get out there and polish your resume.


This isn’t a job for the weak of heart. However, one must get down to creating all those novels, short stories, and memoirs out of sheer passion. The only issue lies in the fact that unless you’re a famous celebrity, it is highly likely that you will need to write a complete novel before you’ll be able to land an author deal. If you want to be an author, start writing!


Your parents were lying to you that you could make an income posting your thoughts online without any hustle. Well, it’s a competitive industry. In the beginning, hone the skills by applying for staff writer jobs at websites and magazines. Once you become a prolific writer, start your own blog, get a cult following through it, and then start earning through ad sale revenue and influencer deals.

Book Reviewer

It’s possible that you won’t get an interview with a book reviewer in The New York Times right now, but plenty of smaller and more popular websites are always seeking a new review of the latest releases. Being paid to go through a novel and then discuss it can be an ideal career option for a book lover.


Librarians are the ones helping to keep the society running, you guys. They’re not just there to organize books or wear cool glasses, they’re experts in the area of library science, and they ensure that art and information are open and accessible. Becoming a librarian means you’ll be surrounded by books and do your part in saving the world.


There wouldn’t be an industry of books without editors cleaning the mess. Copy editors scrutinize an article to improve its grammar, style, clarity and accuracy. Content editors take the author’s words and turn them into a real story. If you are an editor, you’ll be able to save manuscripts and give them a brand new look that’s appeasing for the readers.


“Archivist” may sound like some kind of wizard job straight out of a George R.R. Martin novel; However, it’s a real job that you could take part in. Archivists work to examine and preserve archives. These may range from old manuscripts, diaries, and postcards to digital files and analog films. Archivists are needed in universities, museums, libraries, hospitals and corporations, as well as everywhere in between.


If you’ve ever had the chance to translate a paragraph using Google Translate, you know the value of an individual translator. Literary translators aren’t just language dictionaries; they’re storytellers that reinterpret text into a completely new language. It’s a creative profession, particularly when it comes to idioms with no translation (or the process of figuring out the middle name of Voldemort in different dialects).


Many people believe that editors and proofreaders are the same (sometimes, they can be in smaller settings). However, large publishing houses have editors to edit their work. And proofreaders are used for scrutinizing the mistakes. If you’re adept at catching errors and spotting errors, you may be able to get an opportunity to read throughout the day.


For most of us, teachers were the ones who taught us the joys of reading and the joy it is. Although they may work in stressful environments and often are underpaid, there’s no greater joy than the experience of introducing youngsters to the world of literature. It doesn’t matter if you’re keen to teach phonics or advanced literature at the college level; there are a variety of options to pick from. Even kindergartens and preschools are choices, and a lot of the teaching is played-based, but you can include literature in a variety of ways throughout the day with activities like storytime as well as tongue-twisters. In addition, elementary school teachers incorporate things like comprehension. Middle school teachers will incorporate the occasional reading comprehension, and it increases from there.

English Professor

Many professors opened the world of reading and books in a new way with in-depth dives into Langston Hughes’s work, long hours spent with Jane Austen, and close analysis of Leo Tolstoy. You may want to focus specifically on Shakespeare or prefer something broader, such as Western Literature. But this isn’t an occupation you could just enter into. It usually requires advanced degrees that require time, money, and privilege. If you can envision yourself influencing students’ minds and sharing your love for books, it’s the time to polish your skills and start working.

We hope that you enjoyed reading about our suggested career options for book lovers and that they will be helpful to you. If you wish to be a part of Austin Macauley Publishers, then you’re welcome to share your manuscripts here for review. You can also submit online by filling out this Online Submission Form. Stay connected with Austin Macauley on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter for more updates.