The Benefits of Reading – Celebrating UAE Reading Month

The Benefits of Reading – Celebrating UAE Reading Month


Reading is a leisurely activity that one should engage in and something good for your brain and well-being. March is celebrated as UAE reading month when various activities are scheduled to encourage children and individuals to read. The goal is to make reading an everyday habit and explore ways to enable communities to participate.

Making an effort to take time to read is essential, and this guide will tell you how to do that and the benefits of reading. Knowing how to make time is necessary, so let us look at a few strategies.

How to Carve out Time to Engage in More Reading?

You can join a reading group or circle with other individuals who are all reading the same book. This will hold you accountable and further motivate you to read. You can create a family reading hour where everyone in the home puts down their tablets and phones and picks up a book to read for an hour. With March being marked as UAE Reading Month, it is essential to look at some of the benefits of reading and why you should participate in activities scheduled throughout the month to encourage you and your family to pick up a book.


Importance of Reading Books

Why should you go through all the effort to make time to read for yourself and your family members? Here is why:

1.      It is Good for the Brain

Reading has been scientifically proven to be good for your brain. How? Well, by reading, specific networks in the brain become stronger with time. These networks, over time, become more active as an individual reads more and becomes engaged with the text they are reading. Certain areas of the brain are used when reading, and as an individual starts to become invested in the book they are reading, their emotions and feelings begin to develop, impacting their brain. This is one of the most important benefits of reading and is number one on our list.

2.      It is Important for Children’s Reading Habits

Reading to your children is extremely important for cultivating reading habits. The benefits of reading to your children not only introduce them to the practice of reading but also builds their vocabulary build, good self-esteem and improves a child’s communication skills. It is well-known that if you want your child to be introduced to books early on, they must be read to from infancy.

3.      It Increases Empathy

Reading is essential because it introduces you to the turmoil of others and emotions you may never have experienced. Seeing different perspectives and viewpoints puts you in the driver’s seat. This way, your empathy towards others will increase, and you will see things differently. Reading biographies and learning how individuals have succeeded and triumphed builds motivation and increases positivity. Self-help books are a great way to learn about others journeys and important ways to learn how to navigate life’s trials and tribulations.

4.      Decreases Stress

If you want a natural stress reliever, then reading is economical and something you can do all independently. You do not need to depend upon another individual to do it, nor must you make a significant effort. All it involves is a book and some free time. Did you know that 30 minutes of reading decreases blood pressure and lowers heart rate? This national reading month, why not try a natural stress reliever?

5.      Can Help with Depression

This is a big claim but one that should be taken seriously. Reading fiction can take your mind away from current turmoil and past traumas that, as individuals, we tend to focus on when our mind is left to linger. If you pick up a book every time you feel triggered or think about past events, it can distract you and help you shift your attention elsewhere.


Celebrate UAE Reading Month with these Great Reads

Find out what activities are taking place during UAE Reading Month by checking out this site and buying these books to enjoy this month and throughout the year. Having a list of books to buy from is a great way to motivate yourself to purchase one. Add these to your list today, and you will be ready to participate in March’s reading events.

These books can be bought online at the Austin McCauley site:



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