Steps To Become An Author in the UAE

Steps To Become An Author in the UAE

Writing a well-scripted manuscript is one thing, but getting your completed book out in the market is a complex, yet systemized procedure that can be broken down into a number of different steps. Once you have finalized the genre that suits your style best, it is time to pen down the writing. The process of becoming an author initiates with scribbling off your story on the paper as an initial draft.

To get your book published, there are a handful of ways to execute and satisfy your publishing conduct. If you are uncertain about the right mode for your meticulous title, then this process can become more and more complicated. Austin Macauley Publishers help you choose the most clear-cut path for the purpose of publishing your book, to assist you in the process.

Among all the countless ways to get your manuscript book bound, the central routes Austin Macauley offers fit into one of the following classifications:

  • Traditional Publishing

  • Hybrid Publishing

Traditional publishing was the only method writers were familiar with, before the emergence of hybrid publishing, which occupies a common ground between traditional and self-publishing methods. The ancient traditional publishing model requires you to commission an agent to pitch your book to the publishers, without the guarantee that it will be heard any time soon, which happens quite often. Whereas hybrid publishing is a catch-all umbrella term used to refer to the middle ground of the publishing world, often described by terms such as author-assisted publishing, independent publishing, partnership publishing, co-publishing, and entrepreneurial publishing.

Hybrid publishers offer value to the writers about something that they might not have at the time, desire, or expertise to perform themselves. They are, however, discerning and own editorial standards about what to publish.

So with that perfect book in mind, we’ve culled a list of tips to help ensure that your next book reaches more than the members of your creative writing group. Follow these steps, and you could be among the next hit titles!

Become a Better Reader

It has been a universal rule of becoming an author; all the praised authors are undoubtedly voracious readers. In order to expose your mind to high-quality writing, you need to read and read a lot more. You will develop the fine elements of the context in your work without realizing it and your writing will improve in no time. So to begin the journey of your book, read more and write more; every day.

Spot Your Genre

The agents, bookshops, and the publishers are keen and particular about the genre of your book. Your book may fall into a single dominant or a combination of varied genres. In order to attract the right audience for your book, you need to classify your book with caution as it serves as an extremely helpful sales tool.

You can aid yourself in pitching your book by comparing your book to a similar one already breathing in the market. This works alike in choosing the right hook to hang your book on. Your book will be relatable and be classified in a better way. The readers who have enjoyed the similar previous read will definitely pursue your book. Being a writer you will have your own ‘authorial voice’ but this practice helps to classify your book better.

Showcase Your Writing

A good practice is to first publish you, before publishing the book. Building and developing your social and online platform is an extremely important step. Whether you have penned down your manuscript or have just begun scribbling, start building your platform now. This will help you in receiving the feedback early and give ample chance to improve where your story lacks.

You can choose the following ways to raise your public presence:

  • Start A Blog
  • Write On Online Platforms
  • Write Online Short Stories

Find a literary agent/ publisher

The traditional publishing method demands literary agents to process the underlying manuscripts. Contrary to that, hybrid publishing can work just as well, without the need for an agent. Agents usually submit and process your work on your behalf to different publishers. Hiring an agent comes with its own benefits, but why amplify the already long process when you have the option to process your manuscript directly at Austin Macauley through hybrid publishing.

Prepare your materials

You need to prepare your supporting materials beforehand at the beginning of the process. This will include the sample chapters of your book, and the synopsis. This can collectively be named as your book proposal. To get published, they can become essential pieces of documentation.

Austin Macauley offers an exceptionally convenient method to allow you to submit your manuscripts. To let your potential demonstrate by your writing, Austin Macauley Publishers will seek the following requirements to initiate the process of your book publishing.

The required materials include:

  • Synopsis
  • Cover Letter
  • Manuscript

Submit to Austin Macauley

Austin Macauley is successfully winning hearts and giving a voice to new authors throughout the world. If you are dreaming to become an author in the UAE, then reach out to us today!

You can choose to submit your work to us through email, post or through our website. Begin with filling out the online form on the page, your work will then be transferred to our editorial department for further processing. If your work is approved by us, you will officially be on board to embark your journey as a soon-to-be-successful author in the literary world.

Final Words

The journey to becoming an author is indeed a long process and requires a lot of patience. With the growing sway of becoming an author in UAE, Austin Macauley has proven to pay its part in extending measures to facilitate every new emerging writer.

Coming with all its hardships and rejections, becoming an author is an exciting journey in itself. Similar to many other industries in UAE, this industry is evolving with time and has embraced new and emerging publishing methods as well, including the ever-growing hybrid method with the help of publishing houses like us.

As a writer, you need to arm yourself with exposure and knowledge by reading a lot, you may find attending extensive courses and events can help! Get social and enjoy interactions with authors, agents, and publishers.

All the hard work eventually pays off and when it does, you will certainly enjoy the moment when you hold your first ever book in your hands. After that, the pressure gets shifted to the publisher for marketing, which we abide whole-heartedly!

If you have an amazingly written manuscript waiting to be heard, then connect with Austin Macauley to their vast milieu of fiction and non-fiction books. Authors who are willing may drop their manuscripts with us, as we are accepting them worldwide.