Austin Macauley Publishers offers its translation services to the generous public on the occasion of World Translation Day

Austin Macauley Publishers offers its translation services to the generous public on the occasion of World Translation Day

“By translation, the work of the thinker is transferred into the spirit of another language.”
-Martin Heidegger

Translation is a means of transmitting culture and thought, transferring the original text in its original written language to another language while preserving its spirit. We do not change the text and move away completely from the idea. Translation must always be in a context connected to the original text and the original idea.
Historically, the first translation attempt in the third century AD was to translate the Bible from Hebrew to Greek.
In the Islamic era, the field of translation became active with increased communication with other nations, which accelerated development in various fields for the Islamic State. The Islamic State was also distinguished by its sciences and the attempts of the rest of the nations to benefit from this development, so translation was the way to do so, which brought them much benefit in building... Their civilizations.
“Let's translate!” And to rise to the position of the translator; Because it is a means of acquaintance between us and the great human family, and because by revealing to us the secrets of great minds and great hearts that are hidden from us by the mysteries of language, it raises us from a small, limited ocean in whose mire we wallow to an ocean from which we see the wider world, so we live with the ideas of this world, its hopes, its joys, and its sorrows.
- Mikhail Naima
One of the most important standards and pillars of translation is accuracy and style. It is not that we translate word for word, but rather it is more correct to translate meaning for meaning. With the technological development of our time, many techniques and methods have been developed that make the translation more accurate and transfer the text to other languages with no different quality. About the original meaning.
It has been a firm principle in Austin Macauley Publishing's policy to focus on translation, and to provide this service to male and female authors who wish to publish their creativity in the literary or scientific field to reach a larger reader base from all over the world.
Austin Macauley Publishers provides its translation services from Arabic to English, and from English to Arabic, so that the book reaches all readers everywhere they are.
We will review with you some of the books that will reinforce the importance of the language and how to preserve and develop it. Because the development of language is linked to the development and strength of nations.
The Bilingual Revolution by Fabrice Jomont:
The Bilingual Revolution is a practical book, originally the story of a movement born in Brooklyn through the eyes of parents who established bilingual programs in their schools. For their children to learn their native language, which positively impacts the child, the school, and the future of the country.
As advice from the author of the book, bilingualism becomes the new standard for progress by including it in education systems.
The author of the book, nicknamed “The Godfather of Language Integration Programs,” has more than twenty-five years of experience in the field of international education and multilingual program development.
Within the folds of this book, we discover the importance of preserving the language for future generations. The book also provides us with the best methods and methodologies for developing bilingual educational programs.
You can read the book through the link:
Language Planning and Policies in the Baltic States: Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia by A. Dr. Muhammad Ahmed Tajo
The author holds a doctorate in modern French literature, has worked as a translator since 1995, and is a member of many scientific and cultural societies.
The author presents this book to us to answer many of the questions that are on our minds, such as the concept of linguistic policy and its types. He explains to us the stages that the Baltic countries went through to formulate linguistic policy and build linguistic planning, and our need to enact and develop linguistic policies.
It is also possible to benefit from the experiences of the Baltic countries in planning for the Arabic language and Arabization in the Arab world.
You can read the book through the link:
We will review with you a book that has been translated from Arabic to English, and is available in both languages on our website.
A Land Without War by the author Muhammad Al-Kaabi
The book was written in Arabic, and the book was translated through the English translation service of Austin Macauley Publishing. It is a beautiful book, and we advise you to read it.
You will go through a harsh experience that the hero's character went through, leading us to make a wish for peace to prevail among everyone, and for wars to end forever.
You can read the book in Arabic here:
You can read the book in English here:
Based on Austin Macauley Publishing’s desire to work to increase translated books, it provides the opportunity for anyone who wishes to translate his book from Arabic to English, or from English to Arabic. All you have to do is send the draft of the book through the electronic submission form from
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