As a writer, How do you create a successful blog?

As a writer, How do you create a successful blog?

The goal of writing this article is to guide authors on how to create a successful blog that achieves the goal of its creation, which is to promote the books and the author himself, so that it reaches the largest group of the target audience.
The benefit of blogging via websites is that it helps the author disseminate the content of his book to the largest possible group of readers, as the electronic blog is considered as if the author’s professional passport.
In order to succeed in creating a successful blog, there are many steps that the author must follow, and out of our keenness at Austin Macauley Publishersto provide all possible services to its authors, we will leave in the following lines some tips that will help in the success of your blogs:
1- Update your blog frequently.
2- Share interesting quotes from your book.
3- Make visual content (video) about your book.
4- Think about your target audience, and write what suits them.
5- Use standards to optimize and prepare your site for search engines.
6- The importance of social networking sites.
Now we will explain each tip to you separately:
First: Update your blog regularly:
You must write and update the content periodically, so that the reader or blog visitor will not get bored from the lack of updating the content.
You can also insert images throughout the content on this site from
Second: Share interesting quotes from your book:
One of the most important elements of attracting the reader is the content of the book, so try to share some quotes from the book that will encourage the reader to purchase it.
Third: Make visual content (video) about your book.
Visual scenes are one of the things that most keep the viewer attached and attracted to the content. If you do this, it will benefit you by linking blog visitors to the content of the book or to the book itself, and ignite the desire in them to acquire the book to read.
You can make free videos with this tool from
Fourth: Think about your target audience, and write what suits them.
Always thinking about what the audience needs is the success of everything. Work to meet the diverse needs of your audience by providing what suits all tastes. As a writer, you must take into account the age group you are targeting, as well as the needs of each group separately, and provide what satisfies them. All of this will increase Their satisfaction and attraction to your content, whether through the blog or through the book.
Fifth: Use standards to improve and prepare your site for search engines.
At this point, we will extend the explanation a little until we are completely sure that you will receive the full benefit, and let us learn about this concept, as it is not known to everyone. What is the concept of search engine optimization?
It is a process of several steps whose primary goal is to attract visitors to your electronic blog. For example, if your blog promotes a book about children’s stories, and a visitor searches for this keyword (children’s stories) in search engines, the order of the results is what we aspire to be. Your blog is advanced in this ranking. The more the site appears in the advanced search results, the more likely it is to increase visitors to your site, which is what all authors aspire to.
The advantage of this method is that it actually identifies the group interested in your field. Therefore, most visitors will be visitors searching for what you offer, and we will present the technical side of how to use the blog’s search engine optimization criteria:
Use keywords:
Keywords are considered very important in evaluating and appearing the site in advanced results in search engines. What are keywords? These are the keywords that express the content of the site pages, and you want to use them to obtain advanced results in search engines. Keywords are the phrases that visitors use in search engines to find your site, and there are many sites that help you choose keywords, such as this site.
Main address:
The main title must include the targeted search term; Because using it in this position is considered an important factor in ranking your site in search results, it is preferable that the main title not exceed 65 characters so that it appears in its entirety to phone and computer users.
Page description:
The page description must also include the keyword and must not exceed 156 characters. In the description book, try to write sentences that will catch the attention of visitors and encourage them to click on the link to visit the site.
page link:
The page link appears in the search results. It consists of writing a brief description of the page content, not exceeding 4 or 5 words, preferably including the keyword.
Dividing the content of the page or article into main and sub-headings, which makes it easier for search engines to better understand the page content, index the site, and rank it in search engine results.
Content of articles:
Try to have the content of articles exceed 1,500 to 2,500 words, and work to use keywords within them as well.

Use internal and external backlinks:
You can also use internal or external links depending on what the content requires, this helps the blog's ranking in search engines as well.
To quickly summarize the above, the ideal steps for writing an article on your blog are as follows:
1- Determine the appropriate keywords.
2- Write posts exceeding 1,500 words.
3- Use subheadings and main headings.
4- Create internal and external backlinks.
The previous tips help you arrange your site’s appearance in search engines, and thus increase the chances of increasing visitors to the blog, which helps promote your book and reach the largest audience you want to reach.
If you are a writer and aspire to publish your book with Austin Macauley Publishing, all you have to do is submit your manuscript via the online submission form
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