8 Ways to Become a Better English Writer

8 Ways to Become a Better English Writer

We are all aware of the importance of English language and can’t emphasize more on its prominence. Being a global language, it is one of the most read, written and spoken language in the world. English literature has always produced renowned writers and writing is no less than an art.

Let’s discuss some major points that will enable you to better in English Writing and get a hold of this art.

Read, read and read:

This is one of the simplest and the go to step for those who want to excel in English writing. The formula is simple, you need to read, read and read, if you want to become a good writer. Consume as much language as you can, for it is going to serve as the basis of your writing skills.

Read whatever you like, pick up a book, magazine, newspaper or anything of your choice or select any blog posts. Read anything, but make sure that you read a lot.

Write a lot:

You must be aware of the phrase ‘practice makes perfect’, it stands perfectly true for writing. Writing is a skill and it can be perfected like any other skill. Write daily and make it a habit of yours and set goals for yourself to improve every day.

Just enjoy your writing and write about different things, change genres periodically. Initially you won’t be able to come up with lengthy articles and essays but keep on going even if you are writing a few lines. A title and a small paragraph would do it, but never stop writing.

Don’t hustle into things, be patient. Improvement will come with every passing day. Get your juices flowing, think, come up, innovate and throw your thoughts on the paper without thinking about the quality. Just keep going.

Don’t bother learning grammar or vocabulary:

If you aren’t a grammar expert, it can be a blessing in disguise, after all you are still learning. Although, some people may not agree with this idea. When in process, don’t bother about the perfect, error free grammar or trying to use the most polished words as it can hamper your flow and thought process.

What you need to do is to read your favourite blogs, books, eBooks or whatever and note down the phrases and words that attract you. Search for their meaning and pay attention to how they are used in the sentence.

When you start practicing writing, try to use the exact phrase appropriately, doing this a few times will mean that you’ve understood its meaning and know how to use it. After sometime you can write it naturally without even thinking about it.

Just go however you want:

In the initial phases of learning how to write, you don’t have to follow a certain template. Just go however you want and express your thoughts wildly. After sometime, start using some basic writing templates when you start writing something new.

For instance this article, is a list template, which enlists all the important points under headings etc.

Consult friends and family:

Sometimes it becomes hard to judge one’s own writing, that’s where friends and family can help. Everyone has a person in his family or friends list who’s English writing is better than them. Ask them to have a look at your piece of writing and give feedback.

Outer eye perspective is great for your writings and will let you know about your weaknesses and strengths.

Keep in touch with bloggers and writers:

Whatever you are writing, it’s quite likely that someone else is also doing the same. Get in touch with them through emails or social media. Be friends with them and ask for their feedback, tips and tricks to do better.

Most bloggers are kind enough to lend a helping hand and do it quite happily.

Educate yourself:

Apart from all the points discussed above, you need to learn from successful writers who lead the market. Subscribe to their blogs, read their books and grasp the ideas of how they engage the reader. Find out how they put creativity into their work, how they maintain the flow and lots more.

Bonus tip:

One tip that you will really find interesting and which readily improves English is watching movies, listening to English news, watching sports and listening to its commentary. Entertainment and education at the same time. Isn’t it great? You can grasp English language while having some quality time with family and friends.

Try it, it really works.


If you aren’t a native English writer and reading this article then you know that it isn’t difficult to write well in English. But success doesn’t come over night and you have to wait and be patient until you reach that point where you want to be.

Be committed and give your best, don’t shy away from the challenges and slowly and gradually you will be there, where you want to be, now.