Saud Saad | Author

Saud Saad

Saud Saad Mansour Al Haderes, a Saudi national, was born in Hail on the 17th of November, 1963.

He is a writer and novelist, and he has many literary productions that amounted to six publications.

Saud’s first novel was published in 2015 under the title The Pigeon Seller, which won the Prince Saud bin Abdul Mohsen bin Abdulaziz Al Saud Prize for the Saudi novel.

Saud Saad
Author's Books
A Woman's Roots

When the roots are exposed, the foundations are unraveled, and the constants are shaken, the pen begins to search for the lines.A Woman’s Roots is a true account of a woman’s life, which begins with luxury and prosperity, grows with oppression and injustice, and ends with ingratitude and denial...

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