Salma Ali Alghafli | Author

Salma Ali Alghafli

Salma Ali Alghafli is an administrative educational researcher. She holds postgraduate and master’s degrees in strategic planning, administrative organization and human development from Britain. She also holds a master in scouting letter science (the science of letters and numbers), international training in speed reading and mind mapping – Tony Buzan Wells, studies in self-development – dynamics of neural adaptation and NLP. She is a lecturer and trainer in strategic planning and also the recipient of excellence in administrative work awards.

Author's Books
Al Hawla: Fearsome Tales

Al-Hawla is an echo of the desert stories in the depths of the valleys of Al-Bawadi. A true story where the events take place somewhere between Bayatah in the north and Sa’raa in the south, and then go back and forth and folds in its sandy pages of the history of that era, which was scattered in t...

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Bin Arraf

You live on the ground, so days will go by you for a long time in your view (only an illusion). Everything in the road calls you and sends you signals that point you in the walking direction and the right way. You find signs on every road pointing you where you want to go, and signs to cross, stop, ...

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