Omnia Alqaisi
Omnia Alqaisi is interested in human development, self-development, and acquiring new skills and hobbies.
A volunteer team leader, author from a young age, and developed her talent for writing wisdom and poems. For 10 years now, she has written poems and thoughts in this book.
She was honored by Princess Lulwa Al-Sudairy twice in a row, once for volunteering in the city’s youth committee, the Department of Public Relations and Media, and once for leading the “Kaizen Taibah” team of the Taibah Association, in addition to obtaining several certificates from other parties.
She holds a blue belt from the Saudi Taekwondo Federation, and a yellow belt in kickboxing from the International Organization (ASKA), and a certificate of passing the shooting program from the Saudi Federation of Arrows.
She provides activities for children and women in self-defense and the basics of martial arts, and a psychological aspect of the importance of self-confidence and how to confront bullying in peaceful steps.
She is an artist, painting and digital drawing. In 2015, she won a scientific conference among thousands of students with two paintings at Taibah University, the theme of digital art. She nominated other works for the finals. She gave courses on digital art, and her paintings were shown in exhibitions and forums. She was the first to use the idea of placing sand from different regions of the Kingdom in her paintings for the kings.
A graphic designer and montage for many official bodies, and she has made awareness films that were nominated for finals at student scientific conferences.
Interested and has experience in the world of business and e-commerce.
God willing, soon she will launch her own project
She has software skills dur to her specialization; She holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Information Systems, and a Higher Diploma in Computer Programming, in addition to various other skills.
The total number of courses, forums and events amounted to more than 70 courses and forums that she prepared, presented or attended.