Sanuja Nair | Author

Sanuja Nair

Born in the diverse country of Malaysia, Sanuja Nair spent the best part of her studying years in a cozy little country called Brunei. Drawn to reading at a very young age, she believes in the power and freedom that it gives to the imagination. Turning the pages of a good book is one of the best ways she spends her time. She currently lives in the vibrant United Arab Emirates with her husband, and she has two lovely daughters.

Author's Books
Dawn To Dusk

Running out of her home amidst tears and heartache, she now wonders if her spur-of-the-moment decision might have cost her the love of her family. But it’s too late now; there is no turning back. Defeated, alone, and confused, yet clear about her next step, she must keep moving forward. A little v...

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