Maryam Ali ALmakhmary

I may appear strong at all times; some may think of me as a rock unmoved by the wind. I do not seem tired at all, I am not that broken one who expects empathy, and I do not accept brokenness to stop me from my determination, I am healthy in all my states. They do not know that I am collapsed and irreparable, but I have a classic character that gave everyone the right to see me in that perfect image. My character appeals to many around me, although I am not well at all, I am just a breathing soul, silently watching fate, waiting for the moment of my fall after the collapse that I expect. Telling everyone the fact that I was fragile, but fate brings me miracles that force me to demolish my broken self and build a new one with my classic type that I love. I have erased brokenness from my life. I am too strong to continue my life while wrestling with myself. I fully believe that I am a source of strength for those around me, and that I am a wall on which my loved one’s rest. This is not arrogance; I really am. These are my words to all those who are trying to persevere and do not accept to be seen as weak, for those who are about to collapse but still carry a glimmer of hope.
