Karim Abdulaziz Hasan
Karim Abdel Aziz Hassan is the author of the best-selling books. His books influence readers and have received distinguished reviews and the approval of readers from all over the world and in various fields of life. Perhaps this sentence will be very interesting when you read it and it will be more exciting when the writer reads it behind his new book, which has just been released to the market, but this is not the case. Karim, a young man in his mid-20s, lives in a small village with his parents. Life may have affected him a little bit, but he is still smiling and wants to fulfill his dreams. He has excelled in studies and failed in entrepreneurship, works as a programmer in a company and gets paid well. He loves to read and is knowledgeable in various fields. He has no practical experience of writing a novel or story before; this is his first experience. Perhaps he wakes up from his deep slumber and opens his eyes to find himself in the position that he had always been interested in from an early age, which is writing. Karim still believes that one day he will find the girl of his dreams.