Ismaeel Alsayed | Author

Ismaeel Alsayed

Ismaeel Alsayed - Member of the Saudi Council of Engineers, assistant value specialist, and certified business development expert. - Worked in major oil, gas, and petrochemical companies, and besides his experience in the engineering field, he moved up the administrative ladder, and the development of the lead engineer was the focus of his interest and research. - Among his hobbies are writing and editing. He founded a blog “In Three Ways” which contains a group of articles in various fields, and a group of other articles has also been published on the Maqal website.

Author's Books
Forty Pages Notebook

In this book, we will review a mixture of options and experiences that contribute to building an individual’s life. To get benefit from those experiences and get help in building your inner family and extend that benefit to reach your community. Forty pages written just for you. Keep the book in ...

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