Hanan Ayadh | Author

Hanan Ayadh

Hanan Ayadh is a Saudi educator and researcher, practicing coach and mentor in the field of personal empowerment through passion since 2010, and founder of 7N Company.

She provided many courses and personal empowerment sessions, especially in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Arab Gulf region in general.

Accredited by many local and international training centers, the most important of which are the European Union, AIO and Robert Simic, and trained by the Coaching Institute.

Author's Books

The moon has a special symbolism for understanding that our souls do not perish even if the body is hidden. The moon in every phase is in fact fully present, but we do not see it; The birth of the moon as a crescent, then a half-moon, and then a full moon, and it returns until it is full, this is ap...

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